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Posts posted by henryko

  1. pulled a couple of steelies out of there last spring, that creek is just timing, valley inn has good runs of salmon and, steelies aswell, exspecially after iceout for steelies can be real fun.

    , also bayfront park at the boat launch has some too aswell, salmon should be there now, the browns should be in their in a couple of weeks aswell cheers.


    Wow. thanks for the info. Now i know i can try salmon without the need to go so far.


    So i just wonder, what kinda bait you use for salmon by the boat launch? roe bags? cuz i dont think casting spoon is a good idea due to all the weed there. Am i right?


    By the way, you mind telling me which part in the creek can you catch steelies? I always arrive the creek by the princess point park. Is it close to there?


    Thanks a million in advance!

  2. I am from hamilton too, and i only know shore fishing at pier 4 and the lift bridge (i dont think they are secret spots at all, since i see lots of ppl fish there...)


    Can you PM your list to me please? I'd like to try some place new for bass, pike, and even trout if i get lucky.


    PS. I dont have a boat...


    Thanks a million in advance!

  3. Yes it is discusting what kinda stuff happens down their. We seen a bunch of guys snagging fish at smalls rapids and as we came they stopped moved away but their was already around 10 fish laying on the banks with their belly's slit. Then when we were leaving we went back to the rapids and their was over 20 fish laying their. Was going to take a picture but my battery died. I think Petro Park should be closed down for fishing when it comes to salmon season!!!!!!!


    Wow, i never witness any snagging myself, but from all the stories i heard from this board i already feel disgusted...


    Man, if they continue doing that, will we still have salmon to fish in the area??

  4. reminds me why I have not bothered to go down there


    Can you tell me what are other good salmon spots other then bronte? cause i really hate to fish other ppl's line instead salmon. I am from hamilton. Anyone know anywhere near hamilton i can do salmon fishing on a river?


    Thanks a million!

  5. I went to bronte pier last night hoping to catch a salmon or two. I arrived at around 11pm, and man oh man, there were sooooo many people at the pier. I was only expecting about like half a dozen people, but i think there are at least 40-50 people fishing on both sides of the pier!! So, at the end, instead of fishing for salmon, my fd and i just keep getting other people's lines. Casting spoons with so many people close to you by the pier is not fun man...

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