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About fishingguy28

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  1. Thanks rick.... I have been day dreaming since I picked her up!!!!
  2. Awsomeeeeee info gents!!! Thanks a bunch! Mailing Info tomorrow!!!
  3. Hmmm thanks guys... People on transport canada never mentioned anything bout the license # pictures on the boat but maybe I will send with the form just in case! I'm assuming they will send bill then... I sure won't go chasing to pay the tax man
  4. I think I have pestered him enough hahaha
  5. Hey everyone hope all is well! Was hoping I could get some clarification. I know there have been posts on this in the past but there are mixed answers everywhere!! I have just bought a used boat... I have all the VINS, I have transferred ownership of trailer into my name, got new plates for the trailer and now am left to switch ownership of boat into my name.... I have called service canada, transport canada and even CRA, and no one can give me a clear answer... As far as I know, I am supposed to MAIL IN a 'pleasure craft license application' with bill of sale and piece of ID, and then the ownership of the boat is now under my name.... Correct?? Am I missing something. Am I not supposed to pay tax on this purchase at some point? Will they send me a bill? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
  6. Thanks for the info... i guess i'll just have to try different things out!
  7. when u guys say panfish did that include crappie as well???
  8. Hey guys heading up to lovesick lake this weekend with my gf... jus looking for any information on the lake... hoping to catch some walleye possibly, but will be going after panfish for the most part... any info is appreciated! feel free to PM
  9. i hear ya bro!
  10. i hear ya man!!!! we'll get out for a drift one day!!!! maybe when it's a little less cold and the darn line can keep unfroze!!!!!!!
  11. hey JDMLS... guess it picked up a little bit after we left.... i was the suck that couldnt fish any more cause it was tooooo cold! lol
  12. well like you said, i'm glad that he is ok... i just hope we can get out there this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. were using an operator, but i don't know how confident i feel in that either.... apparently the truck that went through nip was that of an operators...
  14. hey guys i was wondering if anyone knew a recent update on nipissing ice conditions... i'm supposed to be going there on friday for 2 nights..... man i hope its ok, i have been looking forward to this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. ahhh...lol next season for sure
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