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Posts posted by TheTallPolak

  1. I know there are some "wandering gators" in there, being so close to Duffins I cant see why you wouldn't get any Trout there either.


    I am not sure what the current Ice report there is but we were in about 6 inches of ice, since then the ice was completely destroyed! The last few couple days might have built up some ice though.

  2. We had no luck in Frenchmans Bay, the ice we were one was about 6 inches (at the time) but dropped off significantly (to 1 inch) around the 5 feet of water mark.


    We had some tip ups setup but no luck!


    The day after on a northern lake we managed to catch over 50 perch (total) of which 12 made it to the table!

  3. Aha, My Finbore was brand spanking new! Only had it for one season, and of that one season only took it out a few times!


    I've never had any issues with it so I don't see why someone else would! ... I wouldn't mind if someone complained about finding my shiny new blue auger... Maybe the colour is not to their liking or the manual auger is too much work for them to handle!


    If that's the case I will gladly accept it back!

  4. Good Morning Gentlemen (and women) of OFC!


    I was out Icefishing at Frenchmans Bay on Saturday Night (New Years Eve)


    I am glad to report that the Ice was decent up until 5 FOW (5" or more), but suddenly drops to 1" beyond that.


    After our scouting and concluding our fishing, one of my friends left behind my Auger and Spud (FinBore III in 8" and a black Rapala Spud).


    If anyone is in the area and has seen it please dont hesitate to contact me!



  5. But the thing is , you want it to last a few seasons , dishing out money every couple of years if the stuff breaks is no fun.

    I bought the Clam Thermal 4 yrs ago , a little more money but I've had no issues other than the carry bag is all ripped, but it's been dragged around and in and out of pickups so it's expected but the shelter is still good .


    Depending how old your shelter is, you can contact clam, they have sent me a new bag (after 2 years of owning mine) because the bag was ripped!

  6. That nice fish was worth the work I bet.


    Happy birthday Tall Polock. I have problems typing that word. I was taught it was not a nice thing to call a Polish person. I'll call you tall Pole.

    Thank you aha! Tall Pole works. I don't get offended easily!


    Pet peeves include:

    - Going to my fishing spot without inviting me,

    - Catching more fish then me

    - Catching (a) bigger fish than me


    All kidding aside, A nice, well deserved fish! I hear under the lift bridge is a good spot to target Salmon but I have never caught or targeted Salmon from there!

  7. I have only been to Port Dal once, So I doubt it! I will be spending some more time there this fall in search of some browns!


    This is the season for Salmon so you may see me in a river somewhere!


    I will try and post reports but I usually end up driving!

  8. Hello fellow fishermen and women!


    I have been a part of these forums for a while and contributed to previous postings so I thought it would only be fair for me to introduce myself!


    I am based out of Mississauga and try to fish a few times a week. I do drive so I explore areas from Niagara to Belleville in search of different species.


    I have been fishing ever since I can hold a rod and have accumulated my fair share of fishing gear which allows me to fish all year.


    Hope to see some of you around!



  9. Hello fellow fishermen and women!


    Although I have been a part of these forums for a while, I thought I would post an introduction!


    I am based out of Mississauga and fish several times a week for a variety of species!


    I have been fishing all my life (since I can hold a rod) and have accumulated my fair share of fishing specific gear, from ice fishing to centerpin to fly to casting!



  10. Just 8 Freshtrax? What about the new riggers, gunnel system, balls, Scottie holders, Leadcore line, a dozen Dipsy's at 15 bucks a piece, $1000.00 of new Salmon specific plugs and spoons, a 100 bucks for the Tackle Mate box to keep them from welding themselves together, bigger screen GPS combo so you don't have to squint to see where you are going, VHF for big water. All that plus many $$'s of little things like rigger clips, teasers, real swivels not CTC Chinese specials that will straighten out like a Bobbie pin with a King on. Forgot the new 36" net, or bigger for over a 100 Samolians. Ooops forgot the trolling kicker for a few grand.


    And I almost forgot, what was I thinking? Once all that is bought and rigged you realize your 19 foot deep V and 115HP is just not big enough. Time to go shopping for a bigger glass boat of 23' minimum.


    Now you are all set for longlining on Ontario for big giant Salmies and might as well head to Erie for big giant Walleye. Now we will have to talk about what you will need to spend on Walleye tackle. A few hundred will get you started.


    Great on you Freshtrax for the wonderful offer to share your stuff and knowledge. The tall Polish gentlemen better watch what he wishes for.


    Welcome to OFC by the way my tall Pole friend. Start a new thread here and introduce yourself to all the folks here. Just a bit about yourself and what you fish for, stuff like that.



    I have a small fishing boat and some toys (kayaks, canoes, etc) at my cottage so I am quite familiar with most of the stuff required for general trolling (dipseys, planer boards, rods, reels, nets) in terms of Lake Ontario, I know my boat is not big enough to be "safe". I have been fishing all my life but only got into Salmon last year, when I purchased my first center pin.


    I do my fair share of Pier fishing and River fishing for Salmon, I haven't caught one from a Pier just yet but I'm working on it and help other people who do end up catching!


    I've been on this forum for quite some time, and offered my 2 cents where-ever I have knowledge/experience! That being said I am always learning so anything I say is solely my opinion!


    As the expression goes, nothing good is cheap and cheap is never good!

  11. Very nice of that person to return your cards. A little tip - For the past several years I have stored (laptop) & printed a hard copy called "cards in my wallet".

    This document with card name, card # & contact phone number is useful in case you should misplace your wallet.

    Very nice suggestion but would that be legal to use? (drive with a photocopied version of a drivers lisence - if you misplace the original)

  12. Good morning everyone!


    This is my first forum thread so to keep the story short....


    This past weekend I was out fishing with my father out of Lefroy for perch! (Unfortunately no luck, But still beats a good day at work :P) Ice conditions were great with over 16" of ice where we were setup. After our trip had concluded and I had offered to buy coffee from our local Timmies for the family (back in my home town of Mississauga) I had noticed that I had lost my Drivers License and Debit Cards! After frantically searching every inch and every pocket including my fathers, I had to admit to finally loosing my cards somewhere out on the lake.


    As this happened on Sunday, the following day I filed for new cards, with the impression that the cards are swimming somewhere amongst the fish! But to my surprise, on Wednesday February 4th, a strange envelope had showed up in the mail! Assuming it may be work of my girlfriend for the upcoming Valentines, I opened it expecting to see hearts and kisses only to find a Silver Holiday Greetings Card!


    Upon opening the card further, I read a delightful message from what I am assuming is another fellow angler and both of my cards attached!


    I would just like to say a special thank you, to whomever took the time to write up the message as well as mail me back my cards.


    It is the Lake Simcoe community which allows for all anglers to have such a great Ice Fishing experience although the only thing they may catch is a cold!

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