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Status Replies posted by Fang

  1. Just welcomed home my new addition to the family.I worked all weekend setting up for my baby Alligator Gar Pike.Traded off a bunch of cichlids for it. Totally freeking cool fish...Just hammered a feeder fish..

  2. Rain 30-50 mm, Ya right. It,s snowing like crazy here.

    1. Fang


      Outside with the dog for 3 minutes and I'm soaked

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Anyone seeing icefishing gear being displayed yet? Looking for an eskimo 3 pop up hut.

    1. Fang


      Some strating to show on kijiji used sporting goods

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. West winds on the Big O for Saturday .... good day for some spoon pullin'

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