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Posts posted by robin

  1. Sorry Bud Its still yours and it is not going anywhere. Sorry havent got back to you just been having some family health issues and things got real bad on Thursday, so I have really been tied up. I will shoot u a PM this week


  2. Were in Triple X Lures and TEP Spinnerbait are teaming up and having a both at the Odesey this year. Suppling Spinnerbaits, Bucktails, Crankbaits, and Trolling Brackets.. Any OFNers have to stop by and say Hi... We will also have our own OFNer of the year Lew signing Autographs....


  3. If your gona run Latex or Oil paint threw a Air Spray Gun you have to thin it out. The needles are way smaller then a electric wagner gun. They work totally different in a electric you have a small piston pump pulling the paint into the needle. On a air sprayer it works on suction, unless you are using a gravity fead gun, (cup on top.. HVLP) I would Spray two coats apply the second coat as soon as the first coat is tacky.


  4. Yah what the grummppy fart said LOL... Cops just here way to many stories and if they beleaved everyone they would never give a ticket. So in defence to him he just didnt know if you were lying or telling the truth.. Goto court explain the situation and hope for the best. Good Luck


  5. Its about time What was the sence of having three goalies on the pay roll Anyone who is a leaf fan knows that we are deep in goalies. We just have to hang in a year or two more and wait for Justin Poggie He is the real thing and the future for the leafs Raycroft is just a fillin till then. A Poggie, Oban duo will be nice..


  6. Who Cares ????? I care!!!! Come on give me a brake Indians MRN what are you guys smoking They are 2 idiots out fishing breaking the law!!! They have no disregaurd for the law Today there using to many poles tommorrow there keeping over there limit and so on. Gavin I really expected much more out of you, If you truly dont care how many rods they are using then you have no respect for the law. 1 pole per angler was put into place for a reason who are you to say it doesnt make a difference??? I guess all of the work and research that the Ontario Goverment and MNR have done means nothing cause its OK to fish with two rods.... Think about what you are saying I know you are just trying to start a stir. Why not start a stir on something intellegent.. This is total ludacrist Its wrong everyone knows its wrong....


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