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About azianice

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  1. Hey guys, I will be heading out to a cottage owned by a buddy of mine which is lakeside off of Wolfe Island in Lake Ontario. Now usually when we go out to camp or cottages I can find loads of information on fishing spots and maps however Wolfe Island was drawing up nothing in google! My buddy says there are nice pike and bass fishing there, but he was young when he had last went so has no clue whereabouts they may be. I was wondering if anyone has ever gone fishing there and if they have, whether you have any insight on some good spots? We will have access to a 14' aluminium boat so any insight as to what to look out for and use as well would be great. Thanks in advance! Cheers, Jon
  2. Tomorrow (tuesday) I will be heading out with my father to Rice Lake to do some Walleye fishing. The place we usually rent our boat, out in Bewdley, is going to be closed, so the only other place I could find on the internet was in Gores Landing. Is there good Walleye fishing there? Most of what i hear around here is near Bewdley so any help would be great..thanks!
  3. Sounds great, Minnows and Jigs it is then, is it possible to catch bass with minnows and jigs? What is a good over night storage method for minnows? Reason being is that the closest bait and tackle shop according to the park is 30 minutes away in parry sound, and making a 1 hour trip just to get minnows in the morning at 6 AM would not be practical.
  4. thank you muskiestudd! I had my doubts on worms when I went east to Silver Lake a while back and kept wasting worms on fish no larger than my hand. It was then that I realized on here that most use lures so I thought that might be a better route. So minnows on a jig sound good, I just hope there are minnows that I can buy there.
  5. So I've been searching for weeks now in preparation for my fishing trip to Killbear Provincial park trying to scope out what is the best method to fish for smallies and largemouth and/or Walleye in the area. From what I've read on here and on the net, it seems that fake bait like crankbaits and jigs and tubes work best and seeing the size of all the fish from the photos here, I can't disagree. However after calling Killbear and a mall near Killbear, they say that "worms are probably your best bet". Now is it the nature of the area that I should be using live worms to fish, or is it that he is just incorrect? I would like to know just because I don't want to go spending 100$ on lures and spinners and tubes and grubs and such and find out that live bait is the best way to go (100$ in lures for 10 people). So before my grand trip to the Bass Pro Shop, the daunting question is: Killbear/Georgian Bay = lures or live worms? Would love some insight. Thanks!
  6. Well it seems after hours of calling around Parry Sound, no one rents out boats for use around the Killbear/Georgian Bay area. It is starting to look like I will need to use canoes again...so, since I've never been to Killbear or Georgian Bay for that fact, and that my arms are weak like a 2 year olds, anyone have an idea of some nice spots in and around Killbear Provincial Park? let me know!
  7. thanks for the response guys, I will definately check out Snake Island (hopefuly they will point out where it is on a map when I get there). Also I'm looking for a boat rental place near killbear...and if possible one where i can rent for a few days (I know some open at 9AM which is much too late for my liking!)
  8. Hey all, I'm planning a fishing trip while camping out at Killbear Provincial Park mid September and I am looking to rent some boats. I unfortunately do not know where or how I can find a relatively cheap boat rental place and if I can get any discounts if I rented 3 boats at a time. I am also looking for fishing advice for this lake. So far, I've gone fishing at Rice Lake and had mild success with Live Minnows and virtually no success with crankbait and spinners with tubes on the end. I am planning on bringing all 3, but not quite sure if anyone has any advice with Killbear, is the fishing much different there? Please let me know if any of you have some expertise you can share with me so that my friends and I can go there and have something to eat. Yes, we made the bold move of saying "no fish no eat". Whether or not we can actually pull this off is beyond me, however I would love to have an advantage and get fishing right away on the Georgian Bay. We're mainly fishing for some nice sized Bass (Smallies and Largemouth), and some dawn walleye fishing also. Please let me know your insight!.
  9. Thanks for the warm welcoming everyone! So thus far I've looked around on google and the net for information on the 3 areas that were mentioned in here: Wiarton Area (georgian Bay / Lake Huron) Quinte Kawartha Lakes I have kind of taken a look at all 3 and I have to say that the Kawartha Lakes seem the best bet for me at the moment. Wiarton seems nice but Georgian Bay and Lake Huron are huge, and am scared of scampering out there in a dinky 14' aluminum boat. Also I would not know where to fish (and usually the advice given by campground owners have been subpar..or very vague..making it quite difficult). Quinte seems nice but we are looking for more of a lake experience and I read that Quinte is a river? At any rate, I will have to visit those two also sometime soon, They sound great, I'm just looking for something a little more traditional and easy to help "set the hook" on my unsuspecting friends to become more serious fishermen. Kawartha has so many lakes and I've heard so much about the fishing in Rice Lake. Actually every website I see on Rice Lake is about fishing. You guys suggested the Kawartha lakes North of Rice Lake...is it better fishing there? Or just better camping experience? I'm so excited to paln this now!
  10. Silver Lake had mainly smallies. The map they gave us basically said there was some Pike, Smallies, and trout in the lake. There was definitely a lot of fish there but unfortunately they were mainly the size of my fist. But we did not fish for very long really and did not end up getting out on the lake until about 9:30 due to some friends having to drive out to get some fishing licenses. and thank you for the welcoming! I really hope I can find a nice place to camp in the wilderness and fish also. I was looking at Rice Lake or Lake Simcoe...but I don't know if there's tent camping that's pretty natural if I went there? Atleast I couldn't find anything...anyone at all got any ideas?
  11. Hi all! First of all I would like to say what a great forum this is and that I'm quite envious of all the pictures of big fish that you all have caught! Recently (actually 2 hours ago) I just returned from Silver Lake out near Perth for some camping. Was great fun, and we tried some fishing but were pretty unsuccessful in catching anything over 1.5 lbs. It was a great experience nonetheless since my friends have never fished before and we had a great time. We had such a great time actually, that in September we are looking to plan a fishing/camping trip again. I was given the green light on finding a great place to fish and tent camp in the wilderness, so here I am, combing the internet for clues! So my question to all of you pros is which lake in and around Toronto (about a 3 hour driving distance maximum) can provide tent camping with some semi privacy and some great fishing for Walleye and Bass? I used to live in Thunder Bay and did some fishing there with my pops and back then, Leeches and minnows seemed to be what we used the most to go fishing (just jigging off the side of the boat really), so I'm not quite sure what the best method of fishing these Central and SE Ontario lakes are to catch these fish! We will be looking to rent an aluminum boat and motor and get out there on the open water, so any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm trying to get them hooked on fishing so I can go out with all em more often so that's why I decided to seek help on this! Thank you all in advance! Jon
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