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About Shaun98si

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  1. Awesome thanks Guys. I will check out Bluffers as soon as I find out where I will be living. Chances are I will be renting just a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. The price difference between MTL is HUGE. I pay 550$ right now for a 2 bedroom. Looks like I will be paying double that in Toronto. The boat is a older Princecraft Pro 162SC. Like you said I will just have to make sure I go out on the nicer days. It will be a big change fishing out there. I'm used to casting to shores and weed beds on Lake St Francis. I guess on Lake O its more about finding flats and drops in open water?
  2. So it looks like I may be moving from Montral to Toronto for work. I have been looking at areas like "The beaches" and Etobicoke to rent as I don't want a super long commute to the city centre (Adelaide west). One big problem is that I own a 16ft PrinceCraft and would hate to have to leave it in Montreal. I assume parking it at the place I rent will be next to impossible. I have never even been out there and am wondering first if my boat will be ok on big Lake Ontario. And second what would my options be for storage? I don't want to rent a slip as my boat takes on a bit of water and its probably very pricey. Are there any places that would allow me to store my boat on a trailer so I could just grab it and launch it when I want to go out on the lake for a decent pice? Sorry but I'm completely lost when it comes to Toronto. Thanks for any help!
  3. Wow GBW those are some Clean Trays! Everything looks brand new.
  4. Your Photo-bucket link is prompting me for a password??
  5. Congrats on the good hunting! I find its a double edge sword. Its so great to limit out but man does it take long to clean them all. Im guessing you breasted them all? We had a good opening with 9 ducks and 2 geese but the pin feathers were too much of a pain to pluck. Cant wait for later season where you can get some good roasters.
  6. Mike that sounds cool I been reading alot and have found guys mention you can catch all types of fish in the rapdis and even the odd salmon?? Id love it if you could show me around 1 day. I'm good for halfsies on anything. If you ever need a partner for a day drop me a line and Id be happy to join you if I have no set plans already.
  7. LOL I guess it is harder to tell when you dont know me. Its #2 with my squinty eyes and crooked smile. That fish made my trip bigtime! I hadn't caught a large smally in years and I let out a good yeehawww before the pic got taken. My dad says its around 5lbs but I think hes being a bit optimistic (and a couple caesars too many). I'll dig up a couple more pics of her in a second. Mike the Pike what areas do you fish? I been mostly going around ile perrot/vaudreuil/les cedres as their within 10 mins of my appartment but it hasnt been that good since the water has gone down a couple feet.
  8. Hey guys just wanted to give a little into after lurking around most of the year. Names Shaun from the West Island in montreal. 27 years old been fishing since I was a little kid up @ my parents cottage. I took quite a few years off during my troubled years as I was too high and drunk on weekends to even think of fishing. This year I got back into it hardcore and have been going out weekdays by myself on shore and weekend with my dad in his boat. Fishing sure does bring people together. me and my dad have never been so close. Anyways just wanted to let you all know I love the site and especially the trip reports. I will try and put a couple of them together from my adventures this summer. Ill leave with a couple pics of a 5 day tent camping trip me and my dad took in july. If I get some time i'll put together a nice report. Lots of cool stuff happened. These 3 fish were all caught at the strike of midnight right off our little island we were staying on. Never took more than 3 casts to the exact same spot everynight. In one of them I was a bit loaded. I'll let you decide which on that is Shaun
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