Hello everyone! I’ve been watching this site for a couple of days now and its pretty darn nice. So I though i would join, and ofcouse, ask for your help and guidance. Every year around this time we head up north for a week of fishing with the family (my family and my wife’s family) and friends for some relaxation and fishing. Around 20 of us in all. Everyone but me are fishing guru’s. we normally go way up north (North Bay) but this year we are going to Buckhorn (Shady Point Resort). From what I here, bass is the big catch here, not walleye. So to the question. Can anyone give me some pointers for catching some walleye or the biggest bass in the lake? It would be nice to finally out fish the fishermen . And remember I don’t know the lingo so if it aint English I’m not gonna get it
Thank everyone and nice place you got here!