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Posts posted by JayZ

  1. if you are considering the xterra, i would definitely look at the 2005+ models as that is when it was re-designed. they put the VQ 4.0L V6 in there which is supposed to be one of the best engines out there. also has 265hp and 5000lb towing capacity. i currently own a 2005 xterra, offroad version with locking differential and have had no problems with it after 170000K. did the friont brakes at 125K and still on original clutch and i do alot of towing every summer. if i had to buy new, i would buy the same again.

  2. 2005+ nissan xterra. has a very reliable 4.0L V6 engine with 265 hp, plenty of torque and 5000lb towing capacity. i have a 6 speed manual which gives better hwy mileage as compared to other suv's. they also comes with locking differential if you need. the one thing i did notice is that the rear suspension is a bit soft from the factory. i had a leaf installed costing about $200 total and never had a problem since. great vehicle in my opinion and would buy another in a heartbeat.


    oops...didn't see pigeontroller posted about the xterra as well. i guess one more vote for the xterra. i just hit 160,000km on mine with the only thing needing replacing was the front u joints.

  3. Most of the danger is caused by boat wakes. The faster the boat the worse the wake. I think there should first be a speed limit on the water.


    Lets say 25 mph.

    There is no need of these ciggarette boats or bass boats running around public waters at 85 mph. Thats just rediculous.

    Bass boats racing for the best spot to fish? Come on...if they had a 5 mph speed limit in the tournaments then it would be a level playing field, cost of gear would be way cheaper, and it would be about the fishing again instead of which guy has the biggest.........


    We don't need personal watercraft running around at 60 mph either. They just run into other people...outlaw them first.


    Wakeboats?...come on


    Why do I have to be put into danger every time I go on the water just so all the fools that want to go fast can play.

    It has nothing to do with mandatory wearing of a lifejacket.


    are you for real?


    the faster a boat moves, the less the wake. take a ride in a boat one time and you will see for yourself.


    as for a 25 mph speed limit, i'd rather not spend 30 min to an hour traveling to my fishing spot throwing up a large wake the whole way there. try driving a 20' + boat at 25mph and see how much wake is thrown.


    i've owned several personal watercraft over the years that will do in excess of 60mph on the water. i can honestly say that neither i nor any of my friends have ever run into other people on the water. you see, we are (pwc owners) for the most part safe and responsible boaters. there are a few that ruin it for the rest of us, but that is the same with any group of boaters. i have had more run ins and issues with other boaters while fishing than i have with seadoos.


    if you are afraid of being put in danger every time you go on the water you should stay off. water can be dangerous just like driving on the 401. maybe you should not drive over 25mph either because that could put your life in danger. :wallbash:

  4. my suggestion, go to ontario gas bbq's at langstaff and edgeley blvd (just east of hwy 400). they have every kind of grill you could possibly imagine in there. they are also very knowledgeable and will steer you to the best bbq based not only on your budget, but what you like to cook.


    i bought a broil king sovereign there a couple years ago and it still works like the day i bought it. if i could make a suggestion, get the 3/8" stainless grill plates. they hold the heat and keep clean. i personally don't like the coated ceramic grill plates.

  5. We’re still looking. The business end of running a restaurant is my loving wife's field. She has all that experience in Kitchen management. As for me I run a Home Reno business. So I don’t think business experience is going to be an issue. A few have said it’s not rewarding to run a restaurant. We reside in the city..The city life is dragging us down. We would love to live the far simpler lives. I’m sure we could debate all week long on whether it would be a simple life or not, but compared to the lives we lead now. Were interested and still looking. We are talking with the bank to get preapproval to purchase now. We would both love to run a small resort, with cottages and a few trailer sites. Looks like Rice Lake is out. If we could purchase the entire Sandercock’s camp we would like that. The current owner has the same idea as us. So for all you Rice Lakers, keep your eye open work will begin this week if I’m not mistaken. We’re looking at the Manitolun Island now! Anyway I’m sorry for the spelling , if it’s out of order its cause I’m typing on my Black Berry. I swear I need a tiny finger or 2 to type on this thing...lol


    i do know that adventure bay is up for sale. i believe they have 17 cottages, a store (could possibly add a small restaurant in there), room for a few trailers, boat launch, etc. the camp is located on the south shore between gores landing and harwood.

  6. I don't understand the point to it.

    Calm water, he had his lifejacket on, practically in town, and the OPP has to buy TV time to say they are going to bust him.


    How bout the seadoo add showing the boat going 50mph with nobody wearing a life jacket.



    legally, you don't have to wear a life jacket in a seadoo boat. you don't have to wear one on a pwc either if you have the proper equipment on board. not a smart idea, but that is the way the law is written.

  7. is the plate heat treated by any chance?


    when i said run the robot at 80%, what i meant was run the speed of the gun slower, keeping all other things the same. that should allow more heat into the plate, which would then give better penetration.


    a picture would be great, but i know all about the proprietary hoopla in the automotive industry. it is good that you are getting someone to come look at the robot and set-up. always best to call in the experts.


    just a side note, but i design automated machinery and tooling, so if you need any help with anything feel free to give me a shout.



  8. has anyone been messing with the speed settings? i know back in the day, the operators would bump up the speed to 120% just to make target quicker. every situation is a bit different, so it usually takes some fine tuning to get things right. you've been doing this for a few years with no problems, so my first question would be to find out what has changed. in the meantime, you probably need to make some production parts. try running the robot at 80% and see how the penetration changes.


    my experiences were more with abb robots, but in the end, mig welding is all the same.

  9. i haven't done this in over 10 years, and i'm sick so my mind might be a bit rusty. how are the leg lengths of the welds? do they meet print? did you have penetration into the part previously? what kind of materials are we looking at? have the specs recently changed on the materials? (ie, has the chemical composition changed in the last couple of lots?)


    my first suggestion would be to change the angle of the head to point more towards the part. this should give you better penetration into the part and less penetration into the stud.

  10. The flotilla of boats following was the g2g for the Quintefishing,com group.


    There were some nice fish taken in Picton Bay yesterday, one was over 12 lbs that was beat out by a 13lb 7oz fish entered at 1600.


    The trolling bite may have been off, but the jig bite was on bigtime.


    Some other people I was talking to told me of a PB of almost 14lbs, caught east of the ferry.


    Stay Tuned


    We were out in the same area this weekend. Caught all of our fish trolling. I will say that trolling speeds and depths were pretty important. We had 2 boats with 3 guys on each boat for the tourney on saturday and between us we had 19 walleye. Our boat had 8 with the smallest around 9lbs. We also had the 13.7 winner. Unfortunately for us, our scale had the walleye at 12.5 lbs (instead of 13.7), so we threw back my 12 lb walleye which would have been around 13 lb on the official scale. Anyway, great weekend of fishing for sure.



  11. Ok I will definitely give you guys the problem as soon as the Mechanic has a look. So Ill sum up


    2 weekns ago I noticed that when I started the Honda it sounded funny like there was a faint grinding.



    well this changes things a bit. a bearing on the crank or connecting rod could have let go. how many hours on the engine? were the spark plugs damaged at all?

  12. Don't bug me trolling... bug the guy doing 100kms on the sea-doo riding the wake of other boaters... inconvenience everyone for the sake of a few idiots...


    Cash Grab is right... Most fishermen are an honest crowd...


    Target the idiots that are the problem... dont paint all boaters with such a wide brush... Hell my FIL has to take it after 40+ years of safe boating... is this really what this exam was supposed to target?


    it is Bull... plain and simple...

    But being the lawful sort I am... I have NO CHOICE but to comply.




    target the idiots that are the problem is correct. i know this is a fishing board, and although i have been fishing my entire life, i also own and enjoy pwc. not every pwc owner travels at 100km/hr riding in the wakes of boats. try not to paint all pwc riders with such a wide brush....


    i have several friends who own pwc. we all obey the rules of the water. do we like to jump waves and have fun? of coarse we do. are there idiots who break the rules and ruin the reputation of pwc for the rest of us? of coarse there are.


    in my years of fishing, i have never had a pwc buzz by my boat. they generally stay pretty far away. i'm sorry to say that i cannot say the same for fishermen. i can't count the number of bass boats and other idiots that cruise by at full throttle within casting distance of our boat. it is this type of fisherman that thinks they own the water and can do as they please. the water is for everyone to enjoy. fisherman and pwc alike.


    so please target the idiots, whoever they might be.

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