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About pikeman2

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  1. Haven't fished off gull rock. water is still high. flat rock is out of water ( If I'm thinking of the right rock) I'm sure you know the lake is an awesome walleye lake. Orange jig heads tipped with minnows are good. Of course yesterday white, black, pink and I'm sure any other color would have worked excellent. It didn't seem to matter what color. some people swear by spinner rigs, I Like vertical jigging. Location is important. I'll share a few with you when you arrive. I'm sure Kevin will share some as well. He does with everyone (including me) depth is 20 to 30 feet for the bigger ones. I've boated about 30 over 25 inches and only one was not on a jig. I've used orange most days Hot pink was good yesterday. I've been doing some trolling with Gramma lures as they produced some 30 inch walleyes for guests last week. Just have to share pic of Angies 30 incher. Hi Rocky Glad you had a good trip again this year. See you here next year. Tennessee Guy I was really looking forward to meeting you. Kevin always says what a classy individual you are. I understand you are coming up August 4. I won't get to see you as I have to leave by end July to attend my daughters wedding. Hope you have a successful trip. I'm sure Kevin and the guys will treat you royally. Anything you need just ask DJ. How close are you to Dale Hollow? Fish there several times a year for 27 years. Stayed at Star Point. By the way how do I make my pics larger?? Anybody?? Gotta go catch some more fish Here's the best the most recent.
  2. Thanks for the friendly welcome. Are my pics supposed to be so small How do I make them bigger. Here's a few more Bear with me I'm still learning. I've been lucky enough to fish with some great people this summer This is Ken Ellig with a beauty he caught the week of June 16th we were 5 minutes from camp fishing a ledge gradually dropping into 45 feet. the fish was in 24-26 feet. He caught it on a Jig and minnow. We've caught quite a few big walleye in this spot. Here's one of mine from that same day. This is Kens wife Alice with another from the same spot. We pulled a few decent pike that day as well. that's it for now see you tommorrow. Any ideas on how to do this are appreciated.
  3. Hi You’all My first post I’ll start easy and work up. Been fishing Canada for 35 years Been all over Ontario and once to Northern Manitoba. Done 9 fly-ins. Last 3 years been going to Angler’s Kingdom In fact I’m at AK now. Kind of neat being able to get on the net up here in the bush. My first trip in 05 was for 7 days I returned for 4 weeks in 06 and I’m here for 3 months in 07. I guess you can say I’m a lifer. This summer has been incredible. Lots of big fish, met a lot of great people. Can't imagine a better place to spend my retirment summers I've been learning the lake and finding tons of hotspots and have many stories to tell I'm going to try to post a few pics here Once I get this figured out you'll be hearing more from me.
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