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Posts posted by danw

  1. This report combines my last few outings into one report.


    From the end of summer till now...here are some of my non-skunked fishing trips. :Gonefishing:


    Fishing Trip 1: I got a chance to go fishing on the canoe with my dad. Overall the day was slow. A few perches and rockbass. The scenery was nice, the trees were just starting to chance colour.


    It was better than than getting skunked, here's proof. :D




    Fishing Trip 2: This was on the Sept 30, it was the last day for the season so me and my buddy decided to give it one more try. We were casting cleos. I lost a few, but it was worth it.


    On my first cast, I get this....


    Maybe it was really hungry. It hanged on long enough for the shot.


    After about 100++ cast. I landed this salmon after a good 10min fight. The adrenaline from your reel going ZzzzInnNnNGGGGG... was awesome.


    Not sure how big it was, but it was my PB! Can you see the smile on my face? :D



    Fishing Trip 3: Took the canoe out again with my dad. The trees started to have more colour and the scenery was much nicer. The dad started slow again.


    I took a few photo's to show that I didn't get skunked.




    Now the best for last...


    I set up my light weight rod with a minnow and float, tossed it and started to fix my line tangle in my other rod. I wasn't paying much attention to my float. When I checked on it, fish on!! Thinking it was another rockbass I reel it in. Not much resistant, then all of a sudden ZzzINgggg... I start reeling it in, telling my dad to grab the net. I had no idea what it was. My dad netted it quickly when it was besides the canoe. The hook fell off right away, a size #4 hook. Luckily it fell in the net. When my dad lifts it up... Holy $H**. To my surprise. 6.7 lb 21inch Largemouth. My slow day ended off great. I felt really lucky.



    Me smiling. :D My personal best LM.



    My dad holding it, the colours show better.


    I blurred the imaged because I am camera shy, and I look forward of going back next year when the fishies are bigger. :D


    I have been double digit skunked, and canoe in a thunderstorm, but had an awesome fishing season. I think caught more fish this year, than all my years fishing. Thanks to this board with great reports and sparking interest in fishing again.



  2. I landed my first salmon last night. I waited till I got the pictures from my friend before I made my post.


    From the many post of salmon reports I felt that I was spending more time reading post than fishing. Especially after ccmt's amazing streak, I got some gear and gave it a try for my first time.


    After many skunked nights, unrepairable bird's nest, broken rod, tangled lines, missing cleo's, many many missing cleo's, and other mishaps I finally got a few hits, my no takers. It wasn't until last night till I got my first salmon.


    Two buddies and I headed out for the tribs for some late night fishing. It wasn't too long before I got the first hit. We were chucking cleos. It was close to midnight.




    It wasn't until I landed my first fish till I realized I forgot my camera. Good thing my friend's cell phone had a camera, or else it would not be as convincing it we told our stories to people.



    It wasn't until long until my buddy caught this. That is me posing with it. It is a trout but not sure what kind.




    After a while of chucking spoon's I landed another one. :thumbsup_anim:


    It was an amazing experience. The adrenaline really starts kicking in as soon as you spool goes zingggggggggggg. We all had a great time, were thinking of heading back again. This is staring to become an expensive and addictive sport.

  3. Make sure your hooks are sharp. Buy a hook sharpening stone or tool and sharpen your cleos out of the box. Also sharpen after you get snagged or miss a fish.

    Make sure your hookset is hard! Don't be afraid to cross the eyes, this will set your hook deep. Keep some tension on the line at all times as slack will also free the hook.


    Hope this helps.



    what does "cross the eyes" mean?


    Sharping my cleo's right now, they are not too sharp out of the box!

  4. With all the great salmon reports I got some gear and gave it a try. My first time I lost 2 new cleo's in one night, and that is without getting bites. After a few attempts I had some minor success by getting a few bites.


    After I get a bite I can't seem to set the hook, after about 10-30 seconds it spits out my hook. One fish jumped in the air, did an acrobat then spat out my hook.



    I don't have much experience. Is there a way I can better set the hook, and how should I effectively reel it in. I have been trying to reel it in as quickly and as hard as I can.


    Your advice is appreciated thanks in advance.

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