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About Megacity

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  1. Hi Andy, you may be right and I apologise for being so direct about the posting. I have found that previous times, the opposite to be true lol! They didn't care about what I had to say about myself and thought it was a waste of board space. So I thought I would be direct this time. Anyway, since I am having trouble finding a proper map of Six Mile Lake for the tourney and since I'm fishing it blind, I thought I would ask if anyone could help me out. It's my first time fishing tourneys this year and just want to be prepared. By the way favourite species is Walleye, night fishing for them from a boat, by a certain waterfall on Isabella Lake if any of you know where that is. And as you can tell I am a new member of Megacity Bass Anglers which is running the tournament. I found them to be the nicest bunch of guys and so far have not encountered any political crap I've heard of with so many other clubs. I also work at BPS part time in the fishing dept. Don't know what else to say. Guess I'll give it another chance! Take Care Megacity
  2. Thanks Brookster, guess I learned the hard way. It's ok when you have an administrator of the board treating new members like this, I guess it says all I need to know about this message board. These are obviously the type of know it all characters that ruin so many events. Check your egos at the login! Peace out.
  3. Going for a tourney to 6 mile this Saturday but am fishing it blind. Any tips you can give me would be great. Take Care Megacity
  4. Hello people my first time posting. Everyone told me how helpful this board is so here goes: I am going to be fishing 6 mile lake this Saturday for a tournament and since I am fishing it blind, I would really appreciate any tips with regards to location. We're launching out of Six Mile Park and since I don't know who my partner is yet (engine and boat size) I was wondering if you could recommend closer areas. If you can post here or email them to me at [email protected] I would really appreciate it. Thanks Megacity
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