« on: May 24, 2007, 09:36:19 pm »
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SOUTHWEST OUTDOORS CLUB's annual BIG BOYZ FISHING TOURNAMENT will be held on two weekends July 28,29 and August 4,5 2007.
Prize Payouts!
Walleye-$1000, $500, $250, $125, $125, 6th-10th $50each
Rainbow Trout- $1000, $500, $250, $125, $125, 6th-10th $50each
$100 for biggest Salmon
$100 for biggest Sheepshead
$100 cash daily prize for biggest Rainbow Trout & Walleye.
(prize amounts based on 300 anglers)
Trophies for largest fish in each category.
Fishing is restricted to the waters of Lake Erie. All weigh-ins to take place at Last Chance Tackle, 20946 Erie St.South, Wheatley.
All prizes to be awarded on Sunday August 5th/07 at the Wheatley Arena. Bar,food and door prizes available.
Tickets- Adult $25. Youth 17 years and under- $10
Tickets Available: Wheatley- Last Chance Tackle, Bowman Feeds, Jack's Coffee Shop, Mercer's Service Centre, Lakeside Motel(on Talbot rd. east). Leamington: D&T Auto, Economy Rental Centre. Lasalle: Strictly Fishing
Wheatley's Famous Yellow Perch & Broasted Chicken Dinner at the Wheatley Arena on August 4th from 5-8pm. Adults $20.00 Children under 12- $10.00**ALL YOU CAN EAT!!!!!
For more information call Last Chance Tackle at 519-825-7560 or go to our web site at www.swoc.ca.