Allright, so finally finish work last Friday and its off to my fishing buddy's place to pick him up in Toronto and head out to LoveSick Lake in the Kawarthas. An interesting sidenote is that we've been rained / poured on almost every single trip this year.
Weather on the way there is beautiful, I was commenting on how the pink sky looked like someone painted it. Soon as we take a left turn onto Highway 28, a big wall of clouds suddenly appears. I was thinking where the hell it came from. Well it went from crystal clear skys, to POURING literally as we enter the camping site! I'm convinced it won't last, the dude told us we picked the camp site with the highest ground which was reassuring. I was in shorts and t-shirt at this point, and in the rain it was cold.
We decide to eat something at the restaurant there, and luckily, the rain finished up around 5 minutes later, never to bee seen again that trip!
As has been a custom on our trips, we head out to a dock at night after many BEvERages for some night fishing! After 2 hours I was very dissapointed and called it quits, the system of docks we were at seemed prime fish ground but no bites.
Well just before leaving I go back to the shore, take out my pink twister worm, put it on the hook, and drop it in about 1 foot of water so I can see if theres any fish around. Immediately a dark shadow appears, swimming by the worm. I tugged it but it wouldnt react to movement, so I let it sit there. It comes by, gives it another look, and inhales it... fish on baby! It was a pb crappie, about 1.5 pounds, and I was very happy actually caught something at night. We fished for another hour or 2 after that till like 5am and realized crap we got a boat reserved for 6am, so we go back for some needed sleep.
Next morning head over to our boat rental at Stricker's Resort, very nice lady and very reasonable prices.
This was my first time trying senkos, Gary Yamamoto's to be exact, I picked the green color which my friend has said has worked great all summer long on his tubes, and gold flecks which is what the bass pro dude said he liked. I remain convinced without these senkos, both days would have pretty much sucked.
Our first day was spent mainly exploring, but we found some good weed edges in about 10 fow that held plenty of bass. I used seagulls as fish finders, to great effect. Any fish that were gonna die cuz of being badly hooked were quickly devoured by these birds. In turn, the birds would take us to fish. It was a good symbiotic relationship.
Highlights of the trip were fishing right at dusk, it was magical even in an area we didnt get any fish before, they were plentiful fiesty and biting.
Caught about 4-5 eating size bass per day, many many more small ones. All bass over a pnd were eaten for sustenance at camp. We didn't get anything huge, but considering it was sunny weather, and a cold front, was a very good experience overall.
Next stop? Im going to Vancouver for a week vacation on Friday. Gonna be camping out in Vancouver Island one night, and fishing at this place called 'Spider Lake.' I'm confident the fact that no one fishes for bass there, combined with the time of year, and common 4lbers in that lake that its gonna be SWEEEEEET. Going for an 8 lber there baby.