My 12 year old son Alex and I had the opportunity to spend some time with Dave fishing recently and I was moved to post here (after lurking all the way back to "what's biting in Toronto" times... :-) )
Dave, and his crew, went out of their way to make my son feel like he was the king of the world. I simply can't say enough good things about him, and them.
Alex's signed hat is now his prize possession, and he's so "into" fishing now that he actually waded into the creek next to his school and pulled out a catfish by hand! (no lie, and I'm not sure I recommend it, but he's on fire!)
Dave's thoughtfulness added an extra dimension to what was already a memorable father son trip, and both of us thank you Dave!
- Colin (and Alex)
some pix are up at ... Alex is occasionally borrowing your tagline, Dave ("and that's your facts of fishing!"), I'm sure he'll find his own shortly... :-)