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About NDangler

  • Birthday 07/29/1985

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    Cleveland, Ohio

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  1. Hey everybody, It's been a long time since I've posted, but figured I'd put up a report from a recent trip to Nipissing from Aug 20-30. We were primarily fishing for pike and musky, and it was definitely a slow bite. We managed a couple 30 inch pike and raised a couple muskies, but couldn't find any takers. Have been noticing more and more (we've been going to Nipissing since 97) that when a bite is on, it's in very short windows, and very sudden. On the last day we were fishing over an area of cabbage we had been covering well all week with limited success, and within 30 minutes we had about 6 hits on topraiders. Then, it ended as quickly as it started, we didn't have another hit for the remainder of the few hours we were out. We did manage some nice largemouth and smallmouth a couple days. We've always found the bass fishing in nipissing to be great. Weather was comfortable the entire trip, but a bit windy at times. Still love being up there even if the fish aren't cooperating. Saw a bald eagle and several deer. Also, we got to meet Bernie and his wife, who couldn't have been nicer people. We really enjoyed chatting with them. Hoping we'll have a better fishing report next year, I already can't wait to get back up there. Tight lines everyone, John
  2. Thanks for the replies everyone. blarg: good to hear about the smallmouth. I actually went out and bought some senkos with the intention of wacky rigging them. Never tried it before but looking forward to seeing how it goes. lunkerbasshunter: Yeah, fish bay is fairly shallow and weedy. When we were looking for a place to stay back in June, Tom Rae Lodge said that the bay had been giving up a few big pike. My preliminary plan is deep weed lines and main lake shoals for pike and muskie. JI was just wondering if the cooler water sent some of the bigger northerns up into shallower bays. At any rate I'm just psyched for a week of relaxation. Good fishing would be a bonus!
  3. At least for me, it's hard to go wrong with a rebel wee crawdad
  4. Hi everyone. I guess technically I'm a newbie. I posted a couple times back in October, and I've finally got the chance to head up to Ontario in a couple weeks so I thought I'd check in and see how things are going. I'm heading up to the South Bay of Nipissing, staying on Jessup Island, with my dad and a couple buddies for a week of fishing. We used to fish South Bay from 1997-2000 and then switched to the West Arm and a couple other lakes in the states since then. Really looking forward to heading back to the South Bay though. I've heard that the water is a little deeper and cooler this year up there. How much are the water levels up? I've been checking the North Bay weather reports and looks like it might be a pretty cool week. Has anyone fished the South Bay recently? I was wondering if the cooler temps and higher water levels has moved some of the bigger pike into shallower weedbeds (ie fish bay and hunter's). The last time we fished South Bay we caught a few good pike on deep weed edges on the east shore. Just trying to figure out a game plan for the week. We're all catch and release fisherman except for maybe a couple walleye for a shore lunch one day. Mostly targeting muskie, pike and smallmouth. I'll definitely post a report when I get back. Also, if anyone wants it, I've started keeping a detailed log of where we fish, what we caught, lures, weather conditions, etc. that I'd be happy to send to anyone who fishes this area often. Just send me a pm. Also, if anyone will be fishing that area the week we are up there there will be 3 of us fishing out of a 17ft tracker (white/gray/blue). Feel free to say hi. tight lines everyone!
  5. So fishing season is definitely closed at that time then? Well I guess that makes my decision about going then easier haha. Thanks for the input guys
  6. Hey I was wondering if anyone has fished Nipissing in late October. The only week I have available to go is the 20th through the 28th. I know it probably depends a lot on the weather at that time of year but any advice or past experiences on how the fishing is at that time of year would be great. Thanks!
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