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Posts posted by Seaweed

  1. They might be worth something to a collector but probably not as much as the joy it would bring to catch a monster and think of your Grandpa's grin as he watches you catch the fish.... wherever he might be. You might want to try them on some fall Quinte Walleye East of the Ferry.

  2. Ice conditions amazing on or near the Ottawa river on the Quebec side.
    I hit Baie Clement and Baie de la Pentecoste near Papineauville on Sunday.
    Both spots were easily two feet thick.
    Lots of trucks and cars on the virtual ice citys out there.
    5$ access at Baie Clement good plowed access overall shallow water $8 dozen minnows... be sure to ask for small if you are looking for anything but Pike. I did not see any other spots selling minnows past this spot going East from Gatineau although the Action Sport spot in Buckingham at the split where you turn for the Cumberland ferry might have some.
    Pentecoste Baie between Plaisance and Papineauville is a sight to behold. Lots of huts with access in three spots along Hwy. 148. Free access to fair ice road out with branches of roads heading in all directions at the end of Henri Bourassa. This spot offers up at least a two mile long well fished deep channel with a lot of tapered points for a variety of fishing. I elected to work a tapered point near the launch and worked my way out deeper looking for quick drop off hoping to find some afternoon fish but I quickly relised that the majority of shacks were sitting just off of this spot so I did not push right to the edge of them out of respect but that is the depth I will start next time out. Despite the fact that the fishing was slow and I saw only one medium sized pike hit the ice with the amount of shacks and people out this place must produce fish. I am thinking with the Full Moon on Saturday night the fish pigged out and were just taking Sunday off. Not many fish caught but a great day out there. I will return to Pentecoste Bay for sure but this time with my snowmachine and clam in tow.

  3. Hi everyone

    My appologies for not coming over to say hi while up at the West Arm this year.

    I had a bunch of calamity events that took a lot of my time while up there this year and dodging the foul weather... well between those things there was little time for much socializing.

    I totalled my trailer trying to launch the Nitro at the Sucker Creek launch when I backed it off the concrete pad and decided that my truck would pull it out real well if I slapped it in four wheel low and hammered the gas... wrong... bent the center rib and knoced off all the bunks what a bonehead move ... thanks to a few of the lads we managed to get my trailer fixed and the welding shop in Vernor is amazing and I would recommend them to anyone... thirty bucks to weld up some new welds that busted loose on the center rib.

    I did see lots of boats on the water when I did get out a few times but... well I was fishing... and not too successfully until Thursday when you could not keep the pike off the hook... amazing that the bite could turn on like that. I hope you all had a good week and someday I will make it over to say hello and get to put some faces to a lot of folk on this discussion board.

    Tight lines and enjoy the rest of the summer.

  4. Roy I am arriving on Saturday August 4 and leaving on Thursday August 9.


    I am up there on the week with the holiday Monday every year for the past 7 years anyway.


    It only took me three years to find the fish. Tough water sometimes...


    BTW we will be under a fairly good full moon... hang on to the rods everyone.

  5. Wow I will finally be able to meet some of you. I will be up on the West Arm at the same time... I will be staying on the other side of the inlet from you all but I will try to stop by and say hi either on the water or on land.


    Watch for a Green Nitro.... Seaweed's Swampthing


    No use trying for muskie with Lou around though... is there a full moon there this year? That place goes crazy under the full moon I find... at least doubles the action.


    See you there

  6. Hi


    Lovin the new province and the grand surroundings of this area. One small problem is I can not find info on boat launches


    Looking for info on launchs on the following lakes





    Blue Sea


    31 mile

    Poisson blanc



    Lac des Iles


    any others on the map chip would be greatly appreciated... the lakes chip from Navionics.


    I tried Google and no great info although I did find a lot of info on species in what lakes.




    Looking forward to hooking up sometime soon with the Quebec lads. :mrgreen:

  7. Hi


    March is big fish time around Ottawa.


    Try Petrie Island just on the eastern edge of town. It offers some nice sheltered bays that hold the safe ice longest in the area. There is a baitshop there also.




    Dara the only fish in the Rideau canal are not worth fishing for... but some do in areas of Dows Lake.

  8. I had some great success up there with bottom bouncing a Gulp worm rigged on a Slow Death hook... non stop action in the current sections below the bridge.


    For back bays.... Mepps Cyclops in a Silver-Blue... I shook my head at this one because I had never caught much on them before... but the pike love em.



  9. The wife and I are off to Charlotte North Carolina to see the Nascar All Star race this Saturday... then I will be fishing Lake Norman during the week and will return to the track the next weekend to take in the 600 miler... should be a great week.

  10. I will be there


    I am attending JeffC's Ice Fishing Seminar


    Hey I love new techniques and that guy can haul em up like no one I have ever seen... so I will be paying close attention


    It might break my love - hate relationship that I have with that body of water.


    I have no idea where we will be fishing... so... good luck everyone and watch that ice especially around current and if you don't know the bay and you don't see any anglers there... then you probably would be wise to avoid that patch of real estate. Stick with the crowd.


    Tight lines

  11. If it was the Ottawa River near Orleans you could have caught a number of species with the grey black coloring.


    I suspect you caught a Mooneye... there are massive schools of these and the muskie love them.




    It could also have been a small sturgeon... Petrie is a sturgeon nursery... we hook a bunch through the ice every year... they are out of season though and must go back immediately.




    It could have been a catfish




    Or a Carp




    Ling are also in the area




    Just a couple of possibilities.

  12. Groups Declare Asian Carp Emergency,

    Call on Federal and Provincial governments to insist that Michigan Close all connections to Lake Michigan


    copied from Georgian Bay Forever website




    (Toronto) – News today that Asian carp may be about to enter the Great Lakes requires immediate action by Ottawa and the governments of Ontario and Quebec to call on their U.S. counterparts to declare a state of emergency.


    New testing results shows the presence of Asian carp DNA above the final electric barrier in the Chicago Sanitary and Shipping canal in Illinois and adjacent to the O’Brien Lock just 6 miles south of Lake Michigan in the Calumet River – nearly 20 miles closer than previous tests had shown.


    The group is strongly urging that Federal and Provincial governments demand that the U.S. Government declare an emergency to allow the Army Corps of Engineers, the US Coast Guard and the State of Illinois close the O'Brien, Chicago River and Wilmette locks and use all measures to ensure the fish are stopped. Monitoring results show that the waterways contain both bighead and silver carp and that the electric barrier built to keep them out of Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes has been breached.


    Asian carp are voracious filter feeders that can grow to more than 4 feet long and weigh up to 100 pounds. Their size and voracious feeding habits will muscle out the native fishery.


    Asian carp currently constitute 95% of the biomass in the Illinois River south of the electric barrier. If not prevented from entering Lake Michigan, they will quickly dominate and then take over the entire Great Lakes fishery.


    “This is an emergency situation. This is news we've been dreading since the day the carp escaped into the Mississippi River just over 10 years ago,” said David Sweetnam, Executive Director of Georgian Bay Forever. “Failing to stop these invaders will destroy our Great Lakes fishery. Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans has performed a Risk Assessment, and it shows that these fish constitute a high risk for establishing and proliferating throughout all our lakes and rivers. They like our cold water. It’s time to act – the time for study is over. We must save the Great Lakes -- the world’s largest surface freshwater system – now and not let this be another Sea Lamprey type of failure.”


    Mary Muter, Georgian Baykeeper for Georgian Bay Forever said: “The stakes are too high -- we have to act now. Getting this wrong will be catastrophic for the Great Lakes. Georgian Bay Forever and other groups have warned of the potential need for drastic action for a number of years now.”


    Just last week the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers announced plans to close the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal for four to five days beginning Dec. 2 to perform routine maintenance on an electric barrier built to keep the carp at bay. While the barrier is out of service, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources plans to treat 6 miles of the canal between the barrier and the Lockport Lock and Dam with rotenone, a fish-killing poison. However, this new finding of Asian Carp DNA places the fish well above there, closer to lake Michigan. DFO and other Canadian Agencies have teams on standby to assist.


    "If we don't close the locks linking this area with Lake Michigan, we are waving the white flag and allowing one of the greatest ecological tragedies to occur,” said Muter. "It is time for all emergency measures possible. It is too late to “study” this issue. Get out the fine nets, floats and weights and put them across every pathway. If the Asian carp make it to Lake Michigan, the damage to fisheries in the Lakes and tributaries will be profound and irreversible."


    If the carp make their way into the Great Lakes, they could devastate the region's $4.5 billion fishing industry and permanently alter how recreational boaters, anglers and tourists use and enjoy the lakes and their many tributaries.


    Link to map of the area: http://www.lrc.usace.army.mil/projects/fis...rier/index.html


    What You Can Do: Email or call Canadian political leaders and ask that they insist that all emergency measures possible be put in place, including closing the locks and all hydrological connections to Lake Michigan until it is known that the Asian carp cannot get into the lake:


    The Honourable Gail Shea


    Minister of Fisheries and Oceans




    [email=">[email protected]



    The Honourable Jim Prentice


    Minister of the Environment


    Telephone : 613-992-4275


    Fax : 613-947-9475


  13. Well I might catch hell from a few folk who have put in many hours figuring out this body of water over many years of trial and error and upset the apple cart on who pulls off first prize on the next OFC get-together up there this year... but here goes anyways. Just pray I never show up there to grab the gold.


    Good luck in Wosley bay


    One thing I have found is that this body of water is full of nice fish... they just don't fish like musky... they act more like walleye. I have never had much luck casting for fish up there... never even seen a follow from casting... not sure why... tried a variety of baits and many spots.


    Trolling has been the best ticket for me up there and I have over five years of experience on that water and usually in tough mid-summer conditions. Full moon is big up there triggers the crap out of big fish... I caught the walleye of my life up there on a big believer lure trolling one night.


    Colors were all dark, black and browns were big. The new glass rapalas worked well up there for other fish and I know that they are making bigger models now... might want to try one of those.


    The biggest thing that seemed to make the difference up there for me was .... one year I tried using a bait with a rattle in it. Bingo. The fish loved it. So that tells me that the fish up there really track sounds and or hate anything making a racket. Try that .... post the results.


    I love the area... truely God's country.


    I share this info openingly because this board has a tendency to offer up little treasures like this on a regular basis. My contribution to the treasure trove. My appologies to any of the guys or gals that might feel that I have let the cat out of the bag... Please practise good catch and release on these fish if these tips help... I do release all fish I catch except the odd walleye and crappie though the ice.

  14. I hit the Miss with the Missus on Friday


    What a great day....


    Here are some shots of the action


    Crappie Time





    Didn't keep any... but probably should have.


    We bagged a couple of other Green crappie... only two and they were released.


    Had a nice pike follow but...


    Tried a long walleye troll....nada

  15. Hey Lew,


    I had the same thing happen to me ordering from Cabelas. I wanted to buy a fishfinder/gps item from them and when I got on the phone to order it the girl on the other end said that this item wasn't able to be shipped to Canada because it was on a certain list... from FBI I think she said. No problem though because she took the item off of the list long enough for her to order me one and get the process going and sure enough it showed up on my doorstep about three weeks later. No problem.


    Who knows what causes this... my order was shortly after 911 so that might have been a time when everyone was being a little more careful about stuff.


    I have never had any problems with Cabelas ever since and I order a ton of stuff from them. So much in fact that I get the Hard cover catalogue every year... and about thirty catalogues on the side... I feel a bit bad that they send so many... Quite frankly it is a bit of overkill the way they market stuff... I usually hit the website for browsing anyway. I think I might ask them soon to stop sending paper items... save a tree maybe.

  16. Well we hit Petrie again on Saturday morning. We did great fish wise. First line down caught a small one pound walleye... must have been an omen for things to come because we then scored two really respectable Ottawa River eyes all caught between 8:30 - 10:00. The two big ones went back due to the slot size of 15.8 inches. Figures we would start to catch the big fish now. I did however go home with four other fish for the frying pan. All in all a great day. Sunday I only managed three small sauger. I could not believe it ... there was about four feet of ice.


    4.5 pounder



    6.5 pounder



    Looks like the fish have the feedbag on ... everyone with March break should be into some good fish... I'll be at work but plan on getting out in the later afternoon.



  17. Well pikeslayer


    Tournaments are the next level of fishing for sure. Never underestimate how different it is from just everyday fishing. But do enjoy.


    I have a couple of links that might interest you where I did a weekly blog for my first couple of years tournament fishing.


    You might find them interesting.


    Any questions you have please feel free to contact me.


    First year



    Second Year



    If you want to see the pics go to www.myfishingpictures.com and search Seaweed and click on the photo of me and my wife and that will take you to my album




    I will be fishing tournaments again this year if I can but I am building a new house....so ? I did take last year off due to the high cost of gas.

  18. Mr. Twister


    Are you fishing the derby?


    Did you know about it. Check out our other local discussion board for info.


    I might be heading up. I have never fished the Head Pond through the ice but... I know some spots where they fish eyes a lot in the spring fall so the fish can't be too far. I would caution about the ice conditions though... I hear a guy went through with a truck a few weeks back. I think they both lost their lives.... don't stray too far from shore my friend.


    I will be running around with my sled and portable if I get up there. The big eyes are biting around Wendover so I might hit that area.


    Good luck

  19. Well Florida was everything I thought it would be... maybe a little colder than I thought but... :?


    Here are some shots of a bass outing that the wife and I booked on a little Lake Cecile near Kissimee. The guide was great and overall we fished shiners but I did throw out a lipless crankbait and spinnerbait and caught fish on all methods.


    No real monsters caught... but numbers of fish was great. :wink:


    Nice Florida Bass



    Spinnerbait Bass



    My wife's big bass



    Double Header



    I would recommend this to anyone heading down there.... our guide only charged us half-price for the charter too.

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