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Everything posted by jackz905

  1. k i will contact the dealer and see if any modification will void the warrenty as i also want to tie a hook holder on above the cork because it doesnt have one
  2. just wondering if i can repair a nick on a blank or would that comprise the warrenty and would it give back almost all its strength
  3. does it add any extra to the max drag or does it just make it smoother
  4. paln on does anyone know how much better the carbonex drag washers are compaired to the normal shimano ones
  5. it has even max drag for fall kingsive used reels with 8lb max drag and no issues and lots of my friends use the te dc for them no problems just trying to find out if anyone has burnt out the drag washers on these reels but clearly you guys are thinking about out in the lake not off shore
  6. just bought my very first calcutta te dc was loving the reel till i put it to the test against some kings... didnt last very long the drag washers are all fried has anyone have this problem before... i was wondering if its because a lil moisture got inside the reel im not sure how but i opened it up there was some moisture on the inside and no not grease
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