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About L.T.Stone

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  1. Wow, big fish, I bet it put up a great fight! What kind of line did you use? I took my daughter trout fishing with me the other day and she thought she had as snag but it ended up being a carp
  2. Thanks guys! Someone told me that the trout have to stay in the creek because they have no where to go (dams further downstream or something. also there are a series of ponds that the stream connects to Which explains the perch and bass I catch between the browns. And yes those chubs are soo anoying cost me a fortune in worms . I do have a fly rod but casting would probly be pretty hard with all the brush. Is is worth trying a fly with a bobber and a spinning rod? As for the time I usually get out in the evenings from 6:30 pm to sundown. I also heard an overcast day is better than sun because trout spook easily? Any fact to that? Anyhoo thanks for the advice and if anyone has anymore I'd like to hear it.
  3. Hi guys, great forums! Im new here and Its been years since I've done any serious fishing (not that I ever was that great of a fisherman) . Anyway I found a little creek about 20 minutes from my house where I have caught some Brown trout (2 on friday and 3 on Sat.) All I can say is now I'm im totally pumped , I've been bit by the fishing bug. But now Im worried that the hot summer weather will drive them away to deeper water or something. Is this true or can I look forward to catching brownies all year long? Also If any of you guys have any tips for catching these pretty fish in a small snag infested creek.
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