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Everything posted by millerman

  1. hey every one i'm going to kelso and mountsberg this weekend dose any one have any advice like what to use and where on the lake to fish i know mountsberg has pike bass and panfish and kelso has trout bass and panfish but if any one knows of any other fish in the lakes and ways to catch them please let me know thank u and also i have a rubber boat
  2. Hey every one i was wondering where is a few good place's to catch sheep head I would. Like to catch some big ones and cook them up and also how would you recommend to catch them and I'm looking for places that they are like a nuisance And I live in Mississauga so I'm kinda looking for some places close oh also I have a small rubber boat so thanks in advance
  3. hey every one i was planing to go up to port severn soon with the small inflatable boat what can u catch there and is it worth going to thank u in advance
  4. hi every one im going to port maitland in a few days just wanted to know if any one knows of any good spots for channel cats and drum and possible walleye im only asking about walleye cause i have a few friends who say they catch them while shore fishing sometimes thank you in advance
  5. hey every one you can catch channel and sheep head at port maitland right? i am going up there soon so i just wanted to make sure also is it ok to eat the fish from there and what else could u possible catch there thank you in advance
  6. plus i asked because the frogs were pretty much for eating but i figured were ever i can find bullfrogs i could find leopard frogs
  7. man it was a question calm you nuts
  8. hey every one i was just wondering are there channle catfish or bullhead catfish at the mouth of the humber i was thinking of trying there soon if there was cause i dont feel like having to go to dunnville thx u in advance
  9. hey every one i was jst wondering dose any one know of any places around or in mississauga that you can catch bull frogs i want to use them for bait for big bass and i also heard they taste good th u in advance
  10. hey every one i have been fishing the lower credit river for a while now and i never realized there was sheep head in the river are they easy to catch with a lure because i would like to try to fish for them because i heard they put up a good fight an also can any one help me out the catfishing has died at port credit i cant catch any and most of the time i can get tones any have any ideas why the river may be bad for catfish right now thx you in advance
  11. hey everyone I'm going to I Heart Lake this weekend and I was just wondering how deep is this lake if anyone knows and also what Can u catch there thank you in advance
  12. hello everyonim going up to St Catharines soon so I was just wondering if its good for channel catfish and for sheep head and for carp because I was going out there soon and bottom fishing and I want to know if I can catch anything there on the piers Going towards the lake also did you know any good spots for channel catfish or sheep head around that area please can you direct me where to go thank you in advance
  13. hey everyone how are you I was wondering where in Port colborne can I fish for channel catfish I have no idea where to fish for them me and my girlfriend are going out soon very first time being here so if anybody can point me in the right direction to good spots please help me the u in advance
  14. hey every one i was just wondering is there any good fishing that u can do on a boat near port credit my buddys dad is launching at port credit and wanted to know if its worth fishing the lake around that area and if we have to go far out and wat can u catch
  15. hey every one i was just wondering dose any one know of any good spots around missisauaga to catch channle cats it has to be from shore as i dont have a boat thank you in advance
  16. thank you every one have any of you guys caught them in mississauaga
  17. hi everyone i just wanted to know where and when is the best time and place to catch silver bass i have caught one while bottom fishing at pc and it has to be shore cause i do not own a boat yet and also what would be the best thing to use for them thx u in advance
  18. hi there every one is there any good walleye fishing near mississauga with in like 30 mins cause i want to start walleye fishing and also i do not have a boat so it need to be from shore thank you in advance
  19. thank you very much every one for the help i might go to dunnville i just need to figure out were to go up there like i need to figure out were maitland pier is and the dunnville dam
  20. hey i was just wondering is jordan harbour worth fishing at im going to be in the area in a few days and what can you catch there i was hoping for pan fish and catfish and where would the best spot to fish and how would you get there
  21. hey every one im new to this forum but i was wondering if you could help me out a little im going to beamsville in a few days dose any one know of a few good spots for carp and catfish because i want to bring my girl friend carp fishing then cat fishing thxs for the help
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