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Remo B

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About Remo B

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  1. I have access to similar wood and when I brought it with me to the park last year, they did not have any issue with it. I explained the wood came from skids/metal shop, they said if it did not come from 'the bush', they were okay with it. I was good to go! Hope this helps and I hope this summer, I get the same intrepretation as I do not enjoy paying the $$$ they ask for wood! Cheers, Remo.
  2. Greetings, I’m a long time lurker – read the site regularly – great board with great stories/info. I’m looking for some feedback on the above-noted camp. If anyone has stayed at the camp or on the lake, I’m asking for your experience, I’m part of a group of six heading up for a four day weekend towards the end of May for some walleye/pike fishing. This is our annual trip. We’ve stayed on the French the last few years. The French is great but the fishing has been slow for us (even with guides), so we thought we’d try something new. Any and all comments are welcome. FYI: I used the query on this site to find a fishing lodge. Put in my details and I rec’d about 50-60 e-mails form lodges. What a wonderful search tool! Kudos to the board. Cheers and thanks in advance for your reply. PS: four of us hit Quinte on Sunday - fishing was slow. We decided to pamper ourselves and rented a hut. I brought the power auger and we also scouted the area looking for them. At the end of the day, we landed 3 walleye and a ton of perch, but only a handful of jumbos. Marked a ton on the Vex but not many would commit. Nonetheless, a great day on the hardwater. Blue/silver little cleo was it for the day.
  3. I had a similar issue when I attempted to launch in -13 C at Picton last fall. Turn the key and nothing, just the click! I thought it was a dead battery, reading was just below 11 volts. So I ran down to Canadian Tire and bought a new battery. When I returned with a brand new battery, exact same thing. I was not a happy camper! I agree with DanD on this one: Italo and his gang were launching and I asked them for an opinion. They suggested using a screw drive to manually engage the fly wheel while turning the key. Second attempt and i was good to go. Wish I knew that before buying the new battery but now I have a spare, so be it. In the end it was not the battery at all and I did not have another issue for the rest of the day. Has not happened to me again but if it does, I keep a long screw driver in the boat with me! Cheers, Remo
  4. Killbear area has some great Lake Trout fishing. However, check the regs before venturing out as some areas are sancturies and ensure you check the limits/slots sizes if you plan to keep anything. What has worked for me in the past in Blindbay is a silver/blue flutter spoon off riggers just above the thermacline (55 ft of water last Aug). Circle the hump off the launch in blind bay. Good luck and post how you did - I plan to be out there the second week of Aug. Cheers, Remo
  5. Greetings, Great site - some awsome information. I'm looking for some assistance/guidance to trolling Lake Ontario. I recently bought a 16.5 ft fiberglass bowrider and just bought a pair of Scotty downrigger. Will be installing them this week. I'm looking for some help on how to set up my line as I've never down-rigged before. I also bought a couple of rods/reels that should work. I'm a newbie to this so any info that can be provided would great. Specifically, I'm wondering what type of line is recommended for trolling? How much lead off the release do I fish - I picked up a few spoons - any other bait of choice that can be recommended? Any and all other info is welcome. I plan to head out next week or the week after - hopefully they will be in a litter closer so I do not have to venture out too far. Will post results if and when I get into them. Thanks a million - Remo
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