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Posts posted by Fishaholic

  1. Guelph lake has a bit of everything. Pike, bass, crappie, perch, and a fair number of carp.

    Electric motor only, so fishing pressure is far less from the GTA crowd then say Belwood. Nice camping/beaches as well.

    I've never been skunked there, smallmouth/largemouth in 3lb range, snot rockets, a nice population of perch/crappie (Big crappie).

    I def like it as a day trip if you live in GTA area.

    Water levers later on in the summer can be quite low, as it is a reservoir and likley affects the fishing some. Used to have ice fishing there.

  2. I can assure u that since the 1 day tounaments started that some luck is involved



    That is why I'm targeting one day tourney's this year! While I'm working hard at getting better, I know I don't have a chance to win big in any sizeable/multi day/multi fish tourney... yet.



    Are you a member of a bassmasters? Friends?How are you doing 10-15 tourney's from the back of other people's boats? Is there an easy way to become a co-angler? What a great learning opportunity.


  3. Save yourself. Kick yourself in the stones until you forget about entering.


    Hahaha, I'm looking at very low key tourneys. $50 buy in types. No expectations, although I do feel anyone can luck out on "biggest fish" prizes. I think I'd like the atmosphere/challenege and would be a good opportunity to learn from those who are more seasoned. I do imagine it is a bit of a zoo... perhaps the kayak tourneys will end up more appealing!


    Lew, congrats!! That is some serious success! You should give big $$ musky tourneys a try!



  4. I will be entering my first fishing tournaments this summer (A couple very modest bass tourneys and one of the ontario fishing kayak tourneys). I am curious to your experiences and who has been lucky/skilled enough to hit it big! Please, brag away!!! No boost is too big!!

    1. Best finishes? Technique that carried you?

    2. Won any great prizes?

    3. Interesting tourney experiences/thoughts?

  5. Buick, I have 0 issues on spending money on fishing gear I don't need. I have a sick fetish in that I enjoy opening up a plano and seeing all the hooks and weights organized just perfect (I guess one could say my addiction is "terminal" :whistling: )


    I don#t get too many breaks, I do love ice fishing!! Right now things are slow just some terrible attempts at steelheading.

    A few mentions of wives... my fiancee is very low maint, and likes fishing herself (Although is scared of pike.. :dunno: )

  6. Barefoot,

    Great link! Gives me something to think about, perhaps the flouro advantage isn't so great after all. I enjoy the research aspect of our sport, and journal/academic based studies tend to sway me more vs. general articles. LOL, no not a math teacher, spec.ed and phys.ed, but I can be a nerd with research/numbers.

    I've also heard great things about Johnny Morris, and I am partial to Daiwa as well (My main two spinning set-ups are daiwa). BPS brands also have rep for good value for money (Although as a general rule find BPS overpriced).

  7. Barefoot,

    Maybe not game changing, but flouro has less stretch and better reflective properties (more invisible) then mono. It also tends to be hardier, which is pretty important in a leader.

    It sinks at a high rate, so wouldn't use it with topwaters. Not sure if it is overrated or not, but I need every advantage I can get!! Good call on making sure it is not a mainline blend for leaders.

  8. Help!

    I have quickly became a serious fishman over the past couple years and am looking to continue to improve my skills/success and need to vary my gear to make that happen!

    I fish multi species, with my favorite being largemouth bass. I am looking to purchase my first bast-caster. 95% of fishing will be out of either my 16ft sea nymph or SOT kayak.

    I would love any input on improving my set-ups and my first baitcaster. Essentially 4 set-ups to cover all situations! (Fly rod will be another year!)

    Rod #1
    NEED TO PURCHASE - Baitcaster for pitching/topwater in largemouth slop that can be used for occasionally to troll for big muskie/pike.

    - Mojo Bass? Compre? Willing to spend up to $300 on the combo.
    - 50lb braid? Thoughts?

    Rod #2
    7ft M/H, fast action. Spinning reel with 20 lb braid.
    - Casting/trolling in murky water (Unless going for big pike/musky)
    - Areas with some hang ups.
    -Carp, bass, pike.

    Rod #3
    7 ft M/H, fast action. Spinning with 12 lb braid + mono leader (How light do you go for finesse? No point in having mainline much heavier then the heaviest mono leader (10lbs?) you'd use)

    -Walleye, Steelhead, Lake Trout,
    -Clear/open water casting/trolling
    -Live bait/finesse fishing for sm+lm bass
    - Doubles as "loaner" rod for general fishing.

    Rod #4
    6'6 m/h, fast action. Spinning with 10lb braid
    - Panfish, brook trout
    - Tight areas when kayak fishing

    Thanks all,


  9. Wow, this thread has got fairly big.

    Transforming your lifestyle instantly CAN be done (Often due to a scare/doctor's orders), but is VERY hard.

    Often if you incorporate small gradual changes it is much easier. It can be as simple as cutting out pop, or cream+sugar in your coffee. Target one small goal at a time and once you feel it is a habit (They say it takes 21 days) move on.Gradual changes in diet/exercise makes it easier to be successful in the long run. Easier said then done, it is a constant battle to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    If anyone wants to PM me on my two cents in terms of workout/gym routines etc, feel free. I would not consider myself an expert but I have a decent background in fitness/exercise. My degree is in kinesiology, I'm a qualified high school phys.ed teacher, and worked as a personal trainer in university.

  10. Hello all,

    My name is Adam, and I am a Fishaholic. I want to send a warning out to those who feel addiction would never happen to them, and that fishing is "just a hobby". That was me not long ago! When you start stealing your fiance's earrings to use them as lures, you know you're a fishaholic!

    I've been lurking for quite some time and felt it was time to contribute to the discussion.

    I'm a 30 year old high school teacher from Brampton. The fishing bug has bit me hard over the past couple of years. Most of my fishing is done out of my modest 16' Sea Nymph, but love the hardwater as well, and will be purchasing a fishing kayak this spring (Leaning toward Cuda 12).

    Favorite is bass fishing, but I enjoy all types. I'm pretty big into the researching/studying aspect of the sport, and hope to continue to learn from you all (and contribute myself!).

    Feel free to post your secret spots below (I know that is a no-no, but I can't help myself.... I'm a fishaholic!).. j/k


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