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Everything posted by militantoutdoors

  1. No worries Mod guy!...Still a great site, but Militant Outdoors has an official stance on editing, as long as its in context...its the internet...were all one click away from something...real. Anyways, Still happy to hang out. good reads....and apparently some very high morals lol! Militant
  2. Good day everybody! Just signed up and wanted to introduce myself. You have a great site and a lot of solid threads! I Hope to be a useful contributer. Let me introduce myself with this short video we made...got some swears in it (in context of course, so if your at work maybe slip the volume to 3). Anyways, We love making video's. writing stories and we host a free place for asipiring writers and Youtube clip creaters to launch thier art or be e-published....By the anglers for the anglers kind of thing. Good to meet you all, hope to see ya around. The Clip...who we are...
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