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Everything posted by musclow

  1. yes he did work at that lodge, i wasnt workin there at that time but i have a heard about him!
  2. Subject: Guiding Positions in the NWT I just wanted to let everyone know, there are some rare spots available at Frontier Fishing Lodge in the NWT for guides. My boss just informed me that he is looking for a couple more good guys to handle the busy season he’s expecting. I know there are a lot of good anglers and people on here so I thought I would share. I work up there and have been working up there for the this owner for 2 years now. It’s an awesome place to work and an opportunity of a Lifetime. I know he looks for guys that are Great Fisherman and that are very personable with a strong work ethic. He has also always favoured anyone with sponsorship but it’s not a necessity. So if you’re interested or know anyone that would fit this description, let them know to send their resume to Frontier Fishing Lodge. http://www.frontierfishinglodge.com/ or Call Wayne at 1(877) 465 6843 Thanks Nate
  3. Ya it was out off season i fish the creeks all year round, i go to central high school in oshawa, and they were fishing up there so ya it is out off season..
  4. Well as i was at my high school lacrosse pratice 2night i happened to look over my shoulder towards the creek. And there were two guys fishing. So i took off down towards the creek and asked them if they had any fish and they said no not yet, then i said wee your fishing out of season then i told them that i was going to call the CO they got mouthy the i laced it to them and they shut up and left. take care guys and girls Nate
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