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Posts posted by marvin

  1. On 2/5/2020 at 8:13 PM, AKRISONER said:

    I will be pm’ing you! I can literally be anywhere I’ll have a car and plan on travelling the entire island!

    Ok! Here is my cell number! I will be there for sea trout as well! 647-385-6450 I usually travell all over for them. The bigger fish are usually on the Avalon though when it comes to sea running ones. 

  2. Where about dare you going to be there! I can give you some nice spots to go for sea run brook trout or browns. Inland doesn’t open till May 24 weekend so your out of luck there. I may be there this year at the same time so if I am you can ride along with me! The week you will be there the brollies will be running in from the salt and the browns, depending on the coastline wilL be either gone or just coming in. 

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  3. You should try the 8 year old! I’ve been a scotch drinker and collector for over 25 years now and have a huge selection gathered. I go to tastings here in the city and one of the best scotch bars around is actually in the upper beaches called Feathers. The Lcbo will always take that off bottle back. Rare to have that happen but it does sometimes. I just opened a bottle of snow Phoenix two nights ago and it was a bit off but it’s rare to find this bottle even with most collectors but like yourself, most would never notice the difference. 

  4. I should have bought the Nautilus!!!! I bought the Eliminator for $69.00 5 years warranty! nI figure this should last me. NOT!! Every time I am charging it starts to flash 888. I guess this stands for error and begins to drain the battery! It also is supposed to shut down after it charges. it doesn't!!

    Now it will only charge to 60% when on 2 amp charge!!!

    If someone is looking for a charger I was going to put one up for sale yesterday. Its 8 months old and I only took it out to replace it with a three bank one. Its a Pro series 10amp 2 bank onboard charger. First $100 bucks takes it. It has a lifetime warranty on defects . Email me and I can send pics and info .

  5. For some reason, fishing is always on my mind. Even when I go out with friends, I always end up brining the topic of fishing. And in addition to that, all the girls I talk to ask me how was my day and every time I talk to them I usually tell them I went fishing. Just 2 days ago I couldn't sleep due to the fact that I was going to visit Bass Pro Shop the next day. I don't know whats wrong with me, I just need to fish, it's probably as bad as a chronic smoker who needs a smoke. I even plan on fishing everyday after school when I start college this fall and my college is right near the lake front. Is there like a place to go just like for alcoholics. I need serious help. I'm even visiting this site every 2 minutes to see if someone posted a new report. The worst thing about my situation is, I don't drive and the only place I'm limited to travel for a limited amount of time is at Grenadier Pond. This Sunday is suppose to be great weather and I'm going to chill with a couple of friends @ Toronto Island and I'm just anxious to fish... I need some counseling. I'm pretty sure I'm more addicted than anyone here. Ah.. one day I just want to have a place of my own in front of lake -________-.


    I think you have found that palce. I think you however should start a group called fishaholics instead of aa. Just kidding. I'm 30 years old and still cant sleep the night before a tournament. I love it.

  6. In my business we aree not allowed to use them where any water or moisture will be occuring. The boat will get hot and cold causing condensation problems. I have a aluminum the same as the lund and have problems allready. Why is it the screws will work their way outof your lund after time. It happens in the aluminum trailers as well as campers. You can buy a very expensive glue to provide a suitable seal. That would defeat the purpose of doing it. Just use cheap rivets that I'm sure are cheaper than glue. If you use rubber washers it will cause a cusion between the two aluminums which over time will work the hole larger. Just use rivets and pl glue and it should never come lose.

  7. Hey bud stainless screws are not ok. They will cause a chemical reaction when mixed with aluminum. Use large aluminum rivets and then spray the underneath with a can of high quality spray foam to insure the area doesnt vibrate loose. I would use a high quality pl glue to bond the aluminum before riveting. Those screws will rot the aluminum in less than a year under your conditions.

  8. I'm glad they are coming. Canadian stores charge to much for their stuff. Dont get me wrong I support my local area stores to get a relationship with them but they do over charge. I go to cabelas all the time at least 4-5 times a year and save thousands each time. Why should a reel from shimano be over $100 dollars or more because its in Canada. Its the same as the Vehicles here. They are so m uch cheaper in the US. They say its because of the market demand being so low here in Canada. Bull if you ask me. Bass Pros biggest competion is Bass Pro Online, go figure.

  9. I believe I likely contributed to the downfall of this thread...for the benefit of everyone we should probably either lock it up or delete it.


    My apologies.




    Nothing wrong with voicing our opinions. I'm not racist. Infact my brother in law is a native. He has two adorable little girls and he infact agrees with our opinions. He does not like the way they go about doing things. This is the problem with all of us. We are to afraid to stand up.



    I to have had enough critizing for one day.


    New topic.


    I was wondering if anyone has fished Baptiste lake yet this year for bass and if so how did you do.

  10. I'm sorry but I give no remorse to these people. They are allowed to fish without a licence, anytime they want. They can hunt as they please. They get all kinds of stuff from the Government for FREE. They leave their nets unattended while they go and smuggle cheap cigarettes to willing buyers, all the while letting the fish rot. Trust me I have seen this many times.They are whiners and sissys. True warriors my ass, if their ancestors were to see them now they would be ashamed. All they do is complain. If you want to get something done about it then why dont they get into government. Hell cant be any worse than the jackasses we have in there now. What they are doing is pissing people off and getting no help for their causes. Why dont we stop to the liquior train and the smoke shops and see how happy they will get then. This is outrageous that they are not getting thrown in Jail. The cops and other law officials are a bunch of idiots. Stand up for gods sake and put a stop to this. They are only happy when they can make illegal money. They dont like to do things by the book. We want our land back. Cry me a river. Its 2007 guys. Get over it. The world is modernized now. Why should I have to pay for something someone did so long ago They have a huge break in life that its not right. They dont pay taxes. Their children go to school for free, they get all kinds of government grants that they dont have to pay back at all for business startup. Hell why didnt I get that when I started my construction company. I had to start it on my own. I'm not complaining at all. I wish i could of gotten help from the government. I would of had more time to go and by illegal booze and cigerattes from the indians that the government gives them money to make and I could of bootlegged them and made large cash. Wouldnt life be grand. Get on with your lives. Stop making excuses and silly demonstrations and maybe stand up, get into gov, start companies or whatever. Stop blaming us for you mental and physical laziness.

  11. Thats awesome man. You see everything turned out in the end. I actually had a similar problem this past weekend with water coming in the boat at high speed. Problem solved later though. I do have that check list for you and everyone else but I need to get in on my computer. I've been having problems with my home system, when I do that I will post it. Now get out and fish with that new boat. You can leave it in the water but buy some extra plugs to plug everything.

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