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Posts posted by Parnelly

  1. Camping cots are great too with a bed roll down for insulation. Been using one for 15+ years and will never sleep on the ground or an air mattress again.


    Obviously this only convenient in certain situations. If you are into canoe trips and lightweight travel, they probably arent ideal.

  2. What area of the lake were you fishing in? We made a couple trips up this year and had some success. Last weekend was way too hot to get out much though. Mostly stayed in the shade until the evening fish. Ended up plucking some bass for a fish feed, as the pickeral just werent on for those couple days.

  3. Mothers brazillian wax is a great product. Used to use turtle wax once upon a time. After using mothers, ill never go back to Turtle. Much better product that lasts much longer than turtle wax.


    Also used to use armor all tire shine, until I tried the maguires. Wont be going back to armor all. New trailer tires sure do stay nice looking with that stuff.

  4. Stylus is the needle tip(diamond), the cartridge is the body. There are several different shaped tips, which all sound unique in their own way. Heres a good little read if you arent too familiar with turntable speak.




    Smitty is bang on with his earlier post. Look on kijiji for a used Technics, belt or direct drive. Pop a nice cart on there and youll have hours of good listening in your future.


    There is a whole world of cartridges to choose from, from about 30 dollars up to insanely priced ones. Like anything, do your homework, and you should end up a happy camper.

  5. honestly taper is gonna have to see how the board is installed to give you a price us rookies can cause them headaches lol

    This ^


    Unnessary butt joints, improper board installation(flats on walls smaller than 4') and many other things generally brings the price up. I recently taped a place that had 3 to 4 butts per run, could have easily been done with 12' sheets and 1 or 2 less butts per run. Had to charge more for this based on lack of knowledge from the board installers.


    I find myself taping more and more these days, but am mainly a framer and a boardman. Hate when people call me to tape up a board mess. Generally refuse/turn down jobs because of that.

  6. Thanks for the replies fella's. I never knew there were aftermarket parts for these. Only ever thought to go merc. Appreciate that.


    I have topped it back up with Merc gear oil. The plan is to get it out once again to see what happens.


    Thanks again for the help.





  7. Hi all,


    I have an Merc 18XD and from my understanding there havent been parts available for this motor for some time. After a weekend trip out with the motor, The lower unit was completely dry. Not even any water inside.There was no shards on the magnet screw only a small amount of sludge, that when rubbed in my fingers was simply that. No metal shavings at all. Motor ran fine the whole time out and gave no indication of anything wrong. I imagine there is a leak somewhere, but would that not allow water in to the unit?


    Any suggestions on what this might be caused by? What could I do if there are no parts available to repair?





  8. So you're saying we must adapt and accept that the lake is being raped and not care and then move forward with a destroyed resource because you're not the only one who lost a job. This just nonsense in my way of thinking.


    Is the new way of thinking "too bad for those who lost their living".....move forward


    I thought the new way of thinking was to PROTECT our environment for future generations ? ? ?




    So i guess the lodge owners that bring in people all the time that arent local and put them on fish have nothing to do with the lakes health?


    I am of the opinion it should be completely shut down for any kind of fishing. If this was as big an issue as its made to be, that would be the best way to save the lake.


    Rice lake is the main lake I fish. There is likely a reason there is no ice fishing on that lake for walleye.


    Seems to me you are quite discriminate towards natives. I have seen the pictures you post, yet you make public postings about "indians". Show some respect.

  9. If Nippising was a C&R lake only all the businesses up there will be putting "Out of Business" signs on day 1. Since they set the limit to 2 Walleye within the slot requirements some have already I am told.



    Business owners have a choice that the lake itself does not have.


    Sad reality



    Is it just me, or is anyone else tired of hearing about lodge owners on the lake? I'm sure im not the only one to have felt job loss, for one reason or another. We live in a constant changing world. Change with it, or become part of the "old way of thinking". We must adapt to move forward. Sorry if that means lodge owners too.

  10. Great post. Just recently, leaving Cross lake into Temagami, on the monday of the opener weekend, we ran into some nasty fog. I have been traveling the lake since I was a kid, and had never seen it come in this bad. South east arm was fine, until we hit the main body of the lake. Then it was total white out. God bless my gps/navionics on the smartphone. I would have gotten spun around otherwise.


    This is me leading through the fog, they could have thrown a rock and hit me.



  11. Born and raised in North Bay, moved away about 12 years ago. Have never liked Nippising, rarely if at all fished it when I lived there, and I have not been on Nippising since moving. Regardless, I still put my name down. Trout Lake was my go to when I lived there.


    Its a sad thing to see the way discussions about that lake easily turn into a mud slinging contest. Regardless of the position one takes on this, its not hard to see this lake is doomed, if not for the kind folks that put out the effort to help keep it alive. LNSA thank you for all your contributions. Unfortunately its gonna take a lot more like minded people to help turn this around. Keep up the good work.

  12. Last year fishing Temagami we were stopped. MNR, and OPP in the same boat. First check was for licenses, my brother had forgot his in the tent but they said he was ok, I showed mine. Then it was for safety gear, opened the fishing deck to show lifejackets and anchor, next was the stowaway compartment, where we keep our safety supplies, high powered spot lamp, safety kit, spare prop among other things. Although I had checked the flashlight prior to leaving and had the big spot they still wanted to see the small one work. It didnt. MNR officer told me to shake the flashlight, it came on. Next was for fish. Now this is where I was kind of perturbed. After opening the livewell the OPP officer stepped into our boat. He wanted to make sure there was nothing in the live well. At this point there was only one compartment left in the boat we had not opened so they could see inside. Before leaving our boat the officer turns and opens that last compartment. He looks at me and says "any fish in here"?. Now, I didnt like the fact he helped himself to view what was in that compartment. We had already shown them everything they asked for, but he seemed to be looking for something else. He looked in to see all our fishing supplies. While we kept the exchange friendly and had no issues with him looking there, (all he had to do was ask), I dont think he had the right to do that on his own. Everything went well and they were on their way.


    Respect was given both ways and the exchange went quickly, and was fairly pleasant. Keep it simple, so its simple to keep.

  13. Years ago I landed a 13.5lb Pickeral from shore while camping. At first I thought it was a blessing. As the years passed, I started to notice, I could not get a pickeral bite, even while others were boating them. I had started to wonder if it was a curse. Last year I finally shook the bad juju, and started boating picks again. Was about a 14 year dry spell on pickeral.

  14. Take the tow cap on the vehicle into consideration. If he's all wheel drive I wouldnt worry about gettin stuck(based on what you said about the roads travelled). Aluminum sounds like it would be the way to go, based on the type of vehicle you mentioned. Not that you couldnt pull an 800lb trailer, but fuel cost will be more, as well as you'd be able to load the extra 450lbs into the trailer.

  15. I made my first pot pie the other day as well. Pretty basic ingredients but in the future I'll be learning how to make my own pastry.

    Built 3"s thick in a 4 liter corning wear casserole dish.

    Very tasty......








    Going back through this thread I notice this pot pie and discussion of topping it. We use bisquick as a topping for our pot pies. Works well, and is quite tasty also.


    Spinach or just plain cheese pie's in phyllo pastry is great.

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