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Posts posted by jammer

  1. Multi-billion Dollar Coke Pushes Precarious Work on Canadian Employees, Forces Labour Dispute June 27, 2013, 3:00 PM EST


    Workers at the Coca-Cola bottling facility in Brampton, Ontario were forced into a labour dispute early this morning after collective bargaining negotiations broke down between the company and the CAW. Pickets were set up near the facility (located at 15 Westcreek Blvd) at 12:01 a.m.

    CAW Local 973 Plant Chairperson Ryan Parson said the labour dispute is an unfortunate and frustrating turn of events, in what has been an unnecessarily difficult round of bargaining.

    "Our members came to the bargaining table looking for modest improvements to our standard of living and work practices, and with every intention of signing a deal," Parson said. "Coke management has clearly not come to the table with those same objectives. They've consistently stalled the process and have made it clear to us that it's their way or the highway."

    Parson said the company refuses to back off a slate of concessionary demands that would create more instability and insecurity for Coke workers in Brampton.

    The company wants to remove all new hires from the existing pension plan; make it impossible for "temporary" employees to transfer to full-time; outsource skilled trades work; and weaken employee transfer rights in the event of layoff, among other demands.

    The work standards in Brampton, the company's largest facility in Canada, typically set the benchmark for Coke workers across the country.

    CAW Local 973 President Norm Chow said this dispute has nothing to do with money, since the two sides have not exchanged any monetary proposals (including over wages, benefits or pensions) over months of fruitless bargaining.

    "Coke's global profits topped $9 billion in 2012. Their revenues are higher than the GDP of many nations. And they're fighting to undermine the working conditions of 700 workers. This is infuriating," Chow said.

    Parson said the company is taking a noticeably combative approach with the workers, which is fuelling frustration.

    "As the strike deadline neared, Coke management forced our members to leave the plant, locking them out and is now refusing to pay them for the remainder of their shifts," Parson said. "The company is also withholding the paycheques of temporary employees in the facility."

  2. Having to buy stock in a company that you helped make successful just to get a piece of the pie??? Seriously???


    I'm all for living within my means but need a decent wage just to do that... "live" With the prices skyrocketing on everything from utilities to food to insurance its almost impossible to put aside that "little extra"... In a lot of cases there is child support or alimony to be paid...


    My whole point and I apologize for side tracking this thread is...


    When a company is highly successful/profitable... They shouldn't be asking for concessions off there workers... Simple... Be fair... ;)

  3. Why do people with good union jobs bash their employer ?


    Not all do but when they are constantly beaten down by concessions while profits sore... I can see it... Why can't employee's be treated like humans instead of numbers???


    I understand a company needs to make profits to be successful but at what costs... So many good jobs have gone south or east... 50 cent/hour wage gets you 50 cents worth of quality...


    The middle class is rapidly disappearing... I guess we can all get UNSKILLED jobs at Walmart and McDonalds though... Who will be able to afford to go there though???


    When the middle class is no longer... When there is no financial influx of tax dollars... When nobody can afford the products they produce... Maybe then the big companies/government will get it but it will be too late...

  4. A lot of interesting view points on here and yes some ignorant uneducated ones...


    Why do people get bashed for good union jobs?? Instead of trying to bring them down why not try and bring yourself up??


    IMO opinion there is no reason to be paying top exec's millions in bonuses and ask the real workers to take concessions...


    It is hard to make a living in this country being taxed to death... I'm sure all of us would rather be fishing...


    Do the best you can... Think before you speak... Treat others the way you like to be treated... Be kind and be well... Jammer

  5. When profits soar the last thing on the table should be concessions... Its a race to the bottom... Soon there will be no middle class or decent paying jobs... One thing the rich haven't realized is who is going to buy there products when we all work at Walmart...


    Good luck with your negotiations...

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