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Everything posted by beancheeze

  1. Thanks so much. I really appreciate it. I will do some searches on those areas and then beg for more info from you fine folks. Once again, thank you. chuckj
  2. I would like to fish for pike or walleye and more than likely I will be driving in. Also, i'm hoping to see more wildlife this time since we are going in a cooler time of the year. I really want to get a pic of a moose (other that downloading one from the internet). I really appreciate all replys. chuckj
  3. Hi all, I was hoping to get some suggestions on my Sept. fishing trip (I know its just a little early . I am from Ohio and am looking to get back to Canada for my second year. I spent a week at Rocky Island Lake 2 years ago and had a great time, but it was in July (hot!) I'm planing on going again this year in September, but if there is a better lake somewhere is the same area that is good for September I would like to try it. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, chuckj
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