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Everything posted by djcofell

  1. Well I was hoping for some rainbow or brook, but I"m always up for some more bass on the fly. I"m not sure if the wife will like me hauling my canoe/kayak all the way up there but I might try to. I know I heard that the Crane river and Willow are good spots for small trout but I'm not sure about that time of the year for them. I also don't know where the access points are for them so I'm really going into this blind. Not the best way to plan a trip I know but I couldn't pass the deal up that I got on the cottage rental.
  2. I'm just curious if anyone might be able to point me in the general direction of some good trout fishing up on the Bruce. I booked a Cottage the last week in June and was hoping to do some fly fishing while I was in the area but being from the Chatham Kent area and only making two or three trips up that way before I'm not sure where I can try my luck at. The cottage is in the Johnson Harbour (not sure of spelling) and Eagle point area. Any suggestions would be appreciated as they'd be more than what I'm working with now! Thanks and have a good one! Dana J. Cofell
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