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eastern steelheaders

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About eastern steelheaders

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Newbie (1/10)



  1. sea sea you got mail, maybe ill se ya on the river tomm if not im sure one day this week when im out after school.
  2. seems to me half the guys on here are saying they like you CC because you show pics of fish you get and it keeps them going back. This is just not what locals like, and to honest with you there is not a tonn of water to be fishing this time of year, and even less when there is 10 000 guys out. Keep the reports low this time of year, do something big 3 weeks from now when the fish are up spawning. EASTERN STEELHEADERS
  3. I like the word newbie, yet your talking like a pro and im not speaking my opinion, my name is plural, its what tonns of local guys think of CC and what he is doing to the rivers and the hole northern lake Ontario cold water fishery. BTW people lake fishing is not the same thing as fishing a ditch you can peeeeeee across, the sooner CC stops posting daily reports and gump stops killing his 5 fish every day we will see a fishery increasing every year THE EASTERN STEELHEADERS
  4. maybe his one eye has something to do with it CC if you like gettin steel keep the mouth shut, your no pro bragging to a bunch of bass and walleye guys who dont river fish, I stand beside you as well as my buddies and always out fish you, no reason to brag. BTW i think i seen a few of your pics from ff.net that you put up last year, why dont you visit that anymore? THE EASTERN STEELHEADERS
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