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Posts posted by magnum

  1. So Here is what happened......from my view......(I was facing backward and my friend was driving)........it is his boat after-all...........anyway we went out aiming for 120ft of water.......waves were about 1 and 1/2ft at the time, so we troll around for about 15 min.........then the wind picked up and 3fters one after the other.....still we figured we have been in worse.......then one big wave came over the bow........we took alot of water and as fast as we could (15sec) started to head back in.........bildge pump on but not enough.........a group of 3 waves came up.........1st wave soaked us.......2nd wave swamped us.........third wave lifted the front of the boat just high enough that all the water ran to the back of the boat, which was enough to get the engine submerged......end of story engine under = capsized........the whole process of the actual flipping took about 10 sec if that.


    If it didn't happen to me I would not believe it possible........3ft waves 17ft boat........capsize???


    water was warm.........the wind however was not.

  2. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



    oh yeah and thanks.


    But seriously I am sorry that we messed up your derby.....but very grateful that you took the time to watch and help........oh and my wife is somewhat grateful as well.

  3. I was never a militant man.......but recently I had the honor of becoming friends with a Canadian Military man......and through talking with him I have found a new understanding and respect of what our heroes do for us...........thank you to all that take a role.....you truly are the foundation of this GREAT Country!!

  4. I too saw nothing wrong with the post and appreciate the sharing of the pictures.....Thank you Jen.



    My dog Laura is THE BEST swimmer.............I decided to see how good she was by swimming out in lake erie about 75-100 yards and acting like I was in trouble (this worked in the pool for her to come to me) she swam to me, circled until I grabbed her collar and pulled me to shore unassisted........The most impressive thing about that is that I am 300++lbs........



    Now for you sensitive people.........she was in no danger at anytime.......it was Lake Erie and I could stand up if she needed it...............


    P.S. if anyone makes a comment about my weight :whistling::whistling: ..............I will take you out on the boat and see if Laura will rescue you too :stretcher: ........lol

  5. Very Nice Pics....thanks for sharing.......BTW there is a raccoon that is a pet near there.....not that I would advise it but you can hand feed him........he belongs to the guy with the only house down there......if you go in summer and see him outside the raccoon will be right by his side.......near the dog no less. and yes he roams free.......just some useless info for you.

  6. Anyways Yeah I havent been fishing lately... working tons and other personal stuff has come up. For instance Sleded broke up with me and started chasing those icky girls. :lol:



    LOL..........as always you are to much Rich...........Nice to here from you again.

  7. I just came home from a friends house (2:15am) and saw a coyote at Sherman and Burlington Street here in Hamilton (chasing some rabbits)..........I was wondering if anyone else had seen anything of interest lately?


    I did a search and found out that there is a population of them in the Red Hill Parks....and with the expressway going in mabe he decided to venture out.........should I call anyone about this........does anyone think he would be a danger?


    Since I live in the city, it was nice to see wild life so close to home......but I do not have any experience with these animals......so opinions are welcome.


    P.S. love the new web sight.

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