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About Gail

  • Birthday 03/31/1965

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    richmond hill ontario

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  1. Ok, i'm finally sick of using my hand auger and I am in the market for a new gas auger. I mostly hard water fish on simcoe and scugog and I always walk out pulling my equipment along with me. Would anyone out there have some insight as to which make or model I should be looking at in regards to reliability, weight and dollar value ...... or even better yet, what to stay away from. Thanks to everyone in advance for any help you can offer!
  2. already caught me a keeper a while back .....just fishing for fish here!!!!
  3. Finally managed a free day to myself...thinking of trying my luck on cooks bay for some jumbos or/and pike (while the ice is still thin enough for a hand auger!!!) I'm just walking out no sled no hut just me and my gear. Anyone else thinking of going ....friendly conversation and friendly competition are always an added bonus. Can't get there till about 9:30...anyone know of a decent place to park at the bottom of 89 area>>>don't mind paying a couple of bucks. Thanks in advance
  4. I would like to take my 13 year old son out to Simcoe for some fishing on Thursday(13th). Looking for some advice regarding access and parking, we are heading up from Richmond Hill, so south end would be best. We will be walking out and all I have is a hand auger.....so hoping to find some open holes already (or maybe come across some friendly OFC'rs with gas augers). Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.
  5. When it's a vacation with the kids this is where we go www.southviewcottages.com on rice lake we've been going there for years. It just makes for a nicer time when everyone is happy Great people that run it. Tons of pan fish off of their huge docks for the kids. I sneak out for walley, muskie & bass. clean cottages, grounds, park and pool. only thing is you have to cook your own meals.....but it cuts down on the cost!!! Good luck with your search.
  6. ]It was a nice warm day so I pulled the boys out of school at lunch time and let them have a little outdoor education instead!!! Drilled a few holes. It wasn't long before we all had a pike or two. not very big but a lot of fun!!!
  7. Hi there, making plans for a summer (late july) fishing trip with the family...we are deciding between fernleigh lodge on lake kashwakamak and Marten river lodge>>marten river. Would appreciate any feedback you can give me on these lodges and the fishing in either of these two bodies of water.
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