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Posts posted by ricardo

  1. Hey guys, I'd just like to say that in the past few months, following some threads and reading some articles has taught me a lot. I've not had a chance to go ice fishing yet and was wondering if anyone could point in the right direction. I'd like to stay within cambridge and am willing to fish for anything that bites. I fish only for the sport but do want to stay legal all the way. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  2. I'm stuck on using the equipment I have. I have an ugly stick, which I hear is good for salmon and a stanley rod with a dawai reel. I've got the ugly stick done up with 20lbs braid. Should I use a steal leader or a monofill one or won't make a difference. I am fortunate to have a few cleo lures already. Thanx for all the help and suggestions. I'm stoked to get out there if I can find the time.

  3. Your issue is a serious leak. The water building up over time has caused the cracks and the leaks. I recommend to you to dig it and wash it as u stated and apply a role on seeler. I also would use the same material they now use on newer home wich is a black concrete vapour barrier. It will give your foundation a fighting chance. Doing all this with your drainage tile, stone will do the job. If you want to make extra sure and want to be able to remove any water sitting the re that won't drain, you can have all your drainage run to a low point with a pipe coming up to your finish grade ( large enough to fit a pump into). If you look into it you can find metal removable lids for these pipes so if cut to the right elevation, wouldn't be a havard and be barelly noticable. Hope that helps.

  4. So after a while of looking and searching I found a fishing hole that isn't too popular. I've been there a few time with my son (3 years old) and few on my own and have yet to get skunked.

    I use to never catching anything over 8-10" long. But today the rain brought me luck. I set up mine and my son's lines and the bobber bounces and gone. I start reeling it in and wow what a fight! I reel the sucker in and its a 3 pound bass. Cast out again and caught few little rainbows. I start to lose the hype from the big bass and was waiting on my next little trout and my line starts running again. Another big bass. I ended the day with 4 largies, a rock bass and 6 or so little trout. All in all a great day fishing and the boy was happy as could be.

  5. I have been getting upset with the worm prices here in cambridge (3.50 to 4.50) so I've found a way to pick my own worms from the ground. First get a fairly large buck. I use I five gallon. Add a cup of dishsoap and fill the rest of the way with water. Spread it out over an area of dirty. I tend to look for places that get a lot of shade. Sit there with a bucket with topsoil and pick away. Works well. But like fishing the spots are hit or miss. Best of luck.

  6. I have a baitcasting reel that looks brand new and its still in the box with leather case and oil. Its from 1974 and it says heddon. I put some line on the reel, followed the instructions on how to use it and can't get the hang of it. So I'm thinking of selling or trading it but can't seem to find the value. Any suggestions?

  7. I've been fishing for only 2 years but have taken a great passion for it. And I've tried many places out around cambridge but the place I always end up going to to "atleast catch a few" is wrigleys lake. Now I come to here that ythey didn't spray the lake this year so the weeds are really high, and I also have seen people catch far over their limits in panfish. I show up to see a man who had 4 empty cans of worms and 2 big pales filled with bluegill and crappy. I mean full. He had a hard time to carry them. I sat there for two hours not catching a thing besides catfish. I wish people wouldn't abuse such a great resource.


    I had to rant. Because now it seems I have very few shoreline spots to fish due to others.

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