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Walleye'm Fishing

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Posts posted by Walleye'm Fishing

  1. Late last fall I was getting ready for ice fishing season. I was moving things around in the basement storage so that I could get to my ice fishing gear. I put my minnow trap on top of a box but it fell onto one of my marine batteries. Sparks were flying everywhere and that haunting electrical sound was humming loudly. My wife heard this from upstairs and was screaming at me because she thought I was being electrocuted. After a minute or 2 of panic I was able to pry the minnow trap off because it was stuck to the battery. Pretty scary scenario considering I had boxes everywhere... and the sparks... and the damn minnow trap was stuck... For a second there I thought I was going to burn down my house.

  2. It sure is a shame that this lake might be outed but... if ever it does...


    1-Most fishermen are way too lazy to do the hard work and spend all that time to get to this lake.


    2-Once at the lake in question, most fishermen don't have Mike's fishing skills.


    Trophy brook trout are very difficult to catch. Just because you fish a trophy lake doesn't mean you'll ever be lucky enough to land one or even get one to bite. That lake was on fire when Mike was there but he also knows what he's doing...something that often gets overlooked I think.

  3. Great stuff man! Fantastic walleye fishing up that way for sure. I was up in that area last July and it was a banner walleye day under blue skies in 30+ degrees.


    I hear ya about going all that way to not feel like you're alone in the wilderness. I feel that way about some of my fishing spots near home so I can't imagine driving 6 hours to endure boat traffic in the middle of nowhere. Good thing about that area is the fishing is usually good everywhere so moving on to other more secluded spots should be beneficial to you.

  4. Thanks for the kind comments gang!


    Okay seriously how has nobody commented on this???

    Awesome video, amazing fish, really enjoyed the amount C&r shots!!!! I really appreciate the amount of work put into this!

    First song is stuck in my head man! Great tune



    Thank you sir, it's lots of work but rewarding memories to look back on. As for not many commenting on this, well just like Misfish's recent poll, most members prefer a picture/text report over a video report. I get it, different strokes for different folks.



    Dude that's awesome. Catch a bunch of fish, write songs about fishing, post them on the internet.


    Where do I learn to be this cool?


    PS: that was a huge brookie. J'ai capotter


    LOL, great comment from A-Z. Thank you sir!



    Great video and catches! Thanks for sharing! Just imagine how many more fish you would have caught had you not had a banana in the boat!


    Thanks and LOL, I had to go through the video again to see where there was a banana in the boat. Funny thing is that day the fish were on fire! Must be because of that banana attractant.

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