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Everything posted by Fishhunter3

  1. has not set their status

  2. The following video is a brief excerpt from our latest adventure on Lake Ontario. This trip was focused on targeting rainbows on June 27. Hope you enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwyzyOWZTGs
  3. We finally have a boat running on Lake Ontario again and decided to take a break from kayak fishing to chase some salmon and rainbows. The following is Part 1 of our series on Lake Ontario fishing. Hope you enjoy.
  4. We recently spent one night in Algonquin Park preparing our kayaks, camping gear and cameras for the upcoming season. Before leaving we had a chance to do a couple of hours of fishing for Shorthead and Silver Redhorse Suckers. The following contains a few minutes of outtake video from the trip. Thanks for watching
  5. Thanks very much for your comments! We've just posted a couple more videos for your entertainment.
  6. sorry - posted in wrong place again ...
  7. sorry - posted in wrong place
  8. Hello everyone, We survived the blackflies of Algonquin during our week of camping/fishing and are now in the process of sorting through the GB's of footage we took. We've put together some of the Channel Catfish footage for starters in the link below. In the next day or two we'll also be posting a timelapse sequence of a dragonfly emerging and some good underwater footage of a snapping turtle who visited daily - both of which were pretty cool to watch. One bonus of an Algonquin adventure in the Spring is that if the fishing is slow there is always something else going on around you. Many moose and eagle sightings - bald and golden, the snakes, bullfrogs and turtles are out and active and the miniature world of insects and spiders is coming to life. And, of course, at 4:30 every morning a trio of Whippoorwills would start their repetitive calling until sunrise - probably to remind us to take them off the endangered list ..... More footage will follow shortly.
  9. A short film with underwater footage following the salmon run in Lake Ontario tributaries during late September and early October 2011.
  10. Underwater footage from our last ice outing of the season. Lots of jumbo perch and the occasional herring. This was shot during the GoFishOnt Hardwater Challenge tournament. Enjoy Fishhunter3 </SPAN>
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