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About jtuffedge

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  1. Once a year I travel to Ontario for a fly in trip. We don't generally spend much time catching Lake Trout but I want to do it more this year. We use a 4oz or 5oz weight along with a 3 way swivel and catch them trolling around 100 feet deep. Is it best to use a heavy rod like a Musky rod or something a little softer? I appreciate the help. John Arlington Texas
  2. Nielsen's Fly In on Rowan Lake has largemouth bass, Lake Trout, Northern's and is an incredible Musky lake. Hill Lake is a short portage with Walleye. American Plan is $210.00 per day plus about $225.00 for the float plane. They have housekeeping cabins for less. Great people and equipment. www.nielsensflyinlodge.com You'll like it!! John
  3. A group of us travel to Ontario from Texas every August and do a fly in. We have been to Nielsen's on Rowan Lake several times and have had a great experience and would highly recommend it to anyone. However, some of our group want to explore some place new. Can anyone tell me about the Upper Manitou and Green Island Lodge in particular? I appreciate your help. John Steffens Arlington, Texas
  4. We have a group of 10 traveling from Texas to Trout Lake near Ear Falls in August and will be staying at Cat Island Lodge. This is our first trip to Trout Lake and I am wondering if anyone has been on the lake and has any reports. Naturally, any tips or advise would be appreciated. As a side note, I have traveled into Canada well over 25 times for fishing trips and am obviously impressed with the fishing, scenery etc. Just want to pass along what a nice bunch of people you all have been literally every time we visit. I hope we are as friendly and helpful if any of you ever visit Texas. Thanks, John Steffens
  5. I live in the DFW area. I have a place on lake Fork in East Texas. It was 9' low until the rains the last few weeks...is now only about 1' low. Should have a great spawn and see lots of 10# plus bass in the next few months. Can't wait.
  6. February 1st is one of my favorite days of the year. It's the day we start "recruiting" friends here in Texas for our annual fishing trip to NW Ontario. We travel up your way at the end of August usually with a crew of about 10 and enjoy fly in trips. The last 3 years we have gone to Nielsen's on Rowan Lake and would recomment it highly, but are looking for a new adventure this year. Can anyone tell me about Trout Lake near Red Lake and Ear Falls? We are thinking about going to Cat Island Lodge for about a week starting August 24th. Any information about the fishing or resort is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jtuffedge Ps...the global warming is killing us down here. Highs in the 30's all last week and this week!!! 1/1000" of ice and school was cancelled for 2 days.
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