Trip completed on June 17 at Cameron lake.
Taro is an awesome fisherman and a really good guy. We had a blast. He is very easy going, supportive and teaches you his way to fish. We lost a lot of fish, as we hadn't fished his methods before. We took our limit of eyes in the first two hours, and went on to catch around 25. The bite turned off when the sun came out from behind the clouds. We tried for musky near the end of the day. We were throwing these huge ugly baits, not gonna say which ones. He has some secret weapons. We got a few good hits, the baits were littered with tooth marks.
During a retrieve with the bait close to the boat, I was starting to lift up to cast out again. The bait was coming out of the water, two feet out from the boat. Something caught our eye, both taro and mine. To our surprise, a 30 inch, very colourful Musky sped up from the darkness towards the bait which was a few inches out of the water. The fish darted full steam at the bait. It never let up, even as I lifted the bait further up out of the water. This musky became airborne. It's body was fully out of the water. It was almost in slow motion or a second. Taro and I looked at each other and couldn't believe what we had just seen.
We never landed any musky, but that didn't matter. I witnessed something I have never seen, and few people get to.
It was a great day, though we forgot the camera. Anyone looking to fish the kawartha's or near Toronto should give Taro a call. He is well worth the cost as you are always near the fish. The only variable is whether or not you can set the hook.