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About lenb12

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  1. Hi : I have been trolling and jigging lakes around the Perth area, and my success has been limited. Does anyone have any tips ? Len
  2. Hi Everyone : I will be going ice fishing on Palmerston in early March. What is the season for Lake Trout fishing ? Is it open at that time ? Has anyone had any luck catching perch and lake trout ? Len
  3. Hi Everyone : During the summer and fall months, I fish in Christie and Bennett Lakes near Perth, Ontario. I practice catch and release. The real challenge for me is trying to catch walleye. I pay for access to these lakes in summer. If the ice gets thick enough to be safe, I will be attempting to ice fish near Perth. I have a truck(but not a 4x4) and a sled to hold my ice fishing gear. The access points that I pay for in summer are not good access points for ice fishing. I want to be able to obtain access to Christie, Bennett and Crosby lakes for ice fishing this season. Does anyone have a property which is accessible in the winter and is willing to allow me access(I will pay for access) ? Len
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