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Posts posted by hotrod

  1. Shooting anything from the vehicle is not hunting, it's illegal, unsporting and poaching plain and simple. I hope he gets the book thrown at him because this crap goes on all the time, not just with tame deer. This story will get tons of press and makes all hunters look like asses. They should publish the guys name and let the shaming begin. What an idiot.

  2. Ontario is a have not province now....well we do have a 25 billion dollar debt. The feds have a 50 billion dollar debt. Both levels of government need more money and the only way to do that is to raise taxes or cut spending. They decided to raise the taxes. It isn't about saving work for anybody or making it easier for business or being revenue neutral. These are only red herrings. It's about the money like it always is and the guy at the end of the line gets stuck with the bill like he always has.



    That's how the HST works. :angry:

  3. I believe you can't legislate morality or ethics. As mentioned the hunter safety course addresses shot placement. Those who will take less than optimal shots will do so regardless of the fact that they took a course, like many do who hunt with a gun despite the fact they have all passed a course telling them not to. I'm against more rules, we already have enough and adding more will just turn more people off hunting like the gun registry did....

  4. Scuro, my skepticism comes from they hysterical rantings of people like Al gore and Ban Ki Moon and their ilk. I also feel the science has been hijacked to suit ideologies and accessing funding. I also don't believe "facts" that are based on computer models that are merely flawed predictions and can be made to show what the modeller wants, you know the gigo theory. We're on a cooling trend right now, yet it's reported by the majority of the msm that the planet is still heating up! The thing that really concerns me is the idea of cap and trade based on inconclusive science such as it is now, not really knowing the effect that humans have to influence the climate if any at all. To me it is nothing but a scam dreamed up to line the pockets of the elite.


    I think it's safe to say that the science is far from settled and there's alot we don't know. It's good that we can debate our differing points of view on a forum such as this without it degenerating into personal attacks.


    I'm going fishing and this is my last post on the subject, our clubby is tomorrow and I'm 1 point behind for AOY so I need to find some fish!

  5. scuro, the ice sheet may be contracting at the north pole but is growing at the south pole. There is lots of evidence showing we have been on a 10 year cooling phase, how about talking 'bout that? Even doomsdayers are having trouble sticking to the global warming myth.


    Global warming takes a break


    Imagine if Pope Benedict gave a speech saying the Catholic Church has had it wrong all these centuries; there is no reason priests shouldn't marry. That might generate the odd headline, no?


    Or if Don Cherry claimed suddenly to like European hockey players who wear visors and float around the ice never body-checking opponents.


    When a leading proponent for one point of view suddenly starts batting for the other side, it's usually newsworthy.


    So why was a speech last week by Mojib Latif of Germany's Leibniz Institute not given more prominence?


    Prof. Latif is one of the leading climate modellers in the world. He is the recipient of several international climate-study prizes and a lead author for the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He has contributed significantly to the IPCC's last two five-year reports that have stated unequivocally that man-made greenhouse emissions are causing the planet to warm dangerously.


    Yet last week in Geneva, at the UN's World Climate Conference -- an annual gathering of the so-called "scientific consensus" on man-made climate change -- Prof. Latif conceded the Earth has not warmed for nearly a decade and that we are likely entering "one or even two decades during which temperatures cool."


    The entire article is here




    I can't wait to get out on the lake tomorrow with my 225!

  6. I don't watch fox because I can't get it where I live, and I posted a link stating the ice sheet is growing, and there's been a 10 year cooling period. There's also a big yellow ball in the sky called the sun that has a bigger effect on the climate then we ever will. The science is far from settled as many scientists disagree and more and more people every day are seeing the hysteria for what it is. The younger generation has had a steady diet of global warming for years, has nothing to do with t.v. I like being called a denier.


    Nice laker Holdfast.

  7. You'll need to go to the bottom end of South Bay, be careful and watch for rocks ...use your map. I'd try for the smallies right in Greenings to see if they are biting before I'd run there, they can't stay slow forever. Good pike down there in South Bay also.

  8. Read what I said again - he didn't cause the global recession, but he sure as hell made it a lot worse for Canada. Also I am not a liberal and won't be voting for them, please stop presuming that I am! I especially don't like Iggy


    I read what you said


    I HATE HATE Harper and the mess he has got Canada into
    Actually it pretty much his fault that it was so bad


    I assumed you were a lib because of the way you defended adscam and the stolen millions, good on ya for your opinion of iggy!


    You throw things out there with no proof alctel,( PM gave money to his buddies,unfair news coverage, doesn't help natives...etc) a characteristic of many leftists, and if the cbc isn't left enough for you then you certainly are a lefty.....not that there's anything wrong with that.


    We're all entitled to our opinions, ours are very different from one another and it doesn't look like we'll convince each other to change. I'm sure we could go back and forth for days and still believe what we believe. I agree with you on one thing.........we disagree!


    Actually we agree on 2 things if your comment about iggy is sincere. ;)

  9. And as for bias, Canada has one of the most right wing media in the Western World and it ranks extremely low on the free press ranking - 90% of print media and almost all radio and TV stations are owned by one of two familys. Harper gets away with SO MUCH and hardly any of it is reported on, instead non-stories like the wafer thing gets brought up (which was a load of crap by the way, he was put in a terrible position and I would have done the same thing in his place). The CBC is pretty much the saving grace at the moment, but its had to fire a bunch of journalists due to having its budget cut recently so the news quality is going to go downhill.


    You can't be serious, the media is in the tank for the cpc? if that was the case, which it isn't, why wouldn't they use it to their advantage like the libs do? that's why the PM has shunned them. I provided plenty of examples for you of lefty bias and you only agree that the cbc is leftist. wow.


    I find it funny that Michael Ignatieff is saying that the reason we are in a deficit and jobless is because of harper. hahaha, of course it has nothing to do with the world recession! lol , no wait its harpers fault that the world is in recession.



    Actually it pretty much his fault that it was so bad


    This is you saying it was his fault now you are saying it wasn't what you said. I think you need to read your own words in post 30. Yo learn your lessons well from your liberal idols. Kinda like bob rae saying iggy never supported the coalition, when his signature is on the document.


    You can say that both parties are the same but they aren't......one stole millions from taxpayers and the other did not.



    Well the conservatives took large amounts of money ear-marked for green energy projects and northern first nation communities and just gave it to their oil sand buddies in Alberta. As well as calling a 300million election weeks after promising not to do so. Does that count as stealing?


    No, it doesn't count as stealing and let's see some proof that the money went to personal friends of the PM, there was plenty in adscam. You just pull things out of a hat like a typical lefty and you think if you say it enough times it will be true. Your arguments are so full of holes I could use them to tie my roebags(gotta get something fishing related into this conversation!...lol) :lol:

  10. I don't believe in man made global warming, it is a hoax. Check this out doomsdayers.


    Earth's 'Fever' Breaks! Global temperatures 'have plunged .74°F since Gore released An Inconvenient Truth' LOL


    A record cool summer has descended upon many parts of the U.S. after predictions of the "year without a summer." There has been no significant global warming since 1995, no warming since 1998 and global cooling for the past few years. (Also see: Scientists Write Open Letter to Congress: 'Earth has been cooling for ten years' - 'Present cooling was NOT predicted by the alarmists' computer models, and has come as an embarrassment to them' - July 1, 2009)


    Read the entire article here:



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