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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2024 in all areas

  1. Some Inuit have said that polar bears can smell your fear. Like, when you encounter one and you didn't bring your gun, they'll know, cause you'll be shiznitting yourself instead of shouldering your weapon. A tracked polar bear swam a distance of 400kms over two weeks without getting out of the water. A polar bear's fur, the guard hairs are hollow, serving to trap air, maintain heat and help with bouyancy in the water. And the hair isn't white, it's clear, while the skin is all black. Northern Russians used to trade polar bear canines as talismans to southerners. To carry the tooth would help ward off grizzlies, the polar bear being the superior beast. World largest polar bear on record is 2209 pounds, the grizzly (grown large in captivity) 2130 pounds. Polar bears are the strongest bear by bite force and endurance, their average range is far superior, they don't hibernate, they're more apt to not take risk. Grizzlies are more aggressive, meaner, larger claws and likely to fight. In Nunavut the most expensive hunts are through Resolute and Grise Fiord. The largest bears are the furthest north. Hunter's pay $60,000-$70,000 on average per hunt. The Wildlife Office issues only so many tags per year. The community keeps the bear meat and pelt as these are not exportable to the U.S. and some other countries. On a recent trip home from Grise Fiord I met two hunters so filthy rich they wipe they're arzes with Benjamin Franklins. One got his bear in Grise, the other did not get his in Resolute. They've killed everything from giraffes, elephants, rhinos, lions and one fella all but 1 of the 28 big game animals of North America. I don't see the sense in it but, if they're not pulling the trigger and paying big bucks to Arctic communities, then the Inuit are pulling the trigger and asking big bucks for pelts.
    2 points
  2. Hello everyone. My family and I went to Balsam lake recently and received lots of tips from the kind people on this forum on how to fish the lake, this led us to success fishing for walleye and pike, so I figured I should share what we did so others can benefit from it. We trolled 8'-10' weedlines with cranks (Berkeley flicker shad 7 firetiger) for the first two days and caught a good amount of fish, but as the water rose in temperature (63f->66f) we started to troll the 12'-15' weedlines again with cranks and had lots of success with the walleyes in doing so. Occasionally we would let the wind drift us over the weeds and I would either rip a bucktail around or soak a slip bobber with a 3 inch minnow, I caught 3 nice walleye and 2 pike using these methods and they all fought hard. We caught over 25 walleye (most between 16"-20") and 4 pike (24"-28") and a few accidental out of season smallies. All in all it was a fun fishing trip.
    1 point
  3. I had a customer visit me recently and he had supplied some of the components he wanted me to use as a cost saving measure. I was not big on the idea as I was certain in short order he would not be happy with the end result, so I talked him out of it in favour of this one off design based on my earlier seamless fore grip reel seats. Fairly inexpensive but definitely shows that the rod is custom work. He is extremely happy with the direction change.
    1 point
  4. There is no comparison, it's like apples to lemons. One quick glance and I know what my choice would be. I'd be damn proud to be seen out on the river with it. Looks beautiful Spiel.
    1 point
  5. Fresh making lasagna Killer good cinnamon buns Veal meatloaf
    1 point
  6. yea, if its liberals, then ignore. Look what they've done here. It just boggles the mind. In germany, they also closed down all their nuke plants and are starving for power. I wouldn't use them as compass.
    1 point
  7. If fish feel pain... then I feel for the fish. We'll call it even.
    1 point
  8. Fun trip, always nice when a plan comes together.
    1 point
  9. Good work and thanks for the report. Hope to see many more reports in the future.👏
    1 point
  10. Ok, hard wired everything. Sender and ground good at console. results: guage.
    1 point
  11. I watched a TV show awhile back about polar bears in Churchill where the bears basically wander right into town. It said nobody ever locks their car incase anyone encounters Mr. Bruin and they can jump into any car to get away from the critter. Makes a lot of sense to me.
    1 point
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